Rhino Africa’s Promenade Parade for World Rhino Day 2023

Cape Town,Rhino Africa,South Africa

Rhinos – we’re obsessed with these real-life unicorns! In fact, we’ve cheekily dubbed ourselves the “Rhino Crash” here at Rhino Africa. However, as endangered African icons, they’re in need of a little human TLC. So, today, on World Rhino Day 2023, we’re spotlighting these incredible beings while supporting Wildlife ACT in its mission to save them. So, are you ready to join the parade? We sure are!

Black rhino in Namibia - celebrate World Rhino Day 2023 with us

We can’t imagine a world without our rhinos

“World Rhino Day is special for us as it’s a day dedicated to our namesake. The day ensures rhinos are kept top of mind, and awareness is being raised yearly as a result. They are thus continually protected for our future and valued as the incredibly unique species they are!” – Samantha Myburgh, Travel Expert

Championing Rhinos on World Rhino Day 2023

Let’s dish the deets on World Rhino Day 2023. This annual shindig goes down every September on the 22nd, honouring the planet’s five rhino species and rallying troops to save them from extinction. This noble cause was first cooked up by the genius minds at WWF South Africa in 2010.

Since then, the day has been a symbol of charging the cause forward, uniting rhino sanctuaries, eco-warrior NGOs, businesses with a heart, and concerned citizens to raise awareness and funding for these horned wonders.

Our World Rhino Day 2023 walk in Cape Town

Happy faces and smiles all around

“A rhino represents power, strength and endurance, many of the qualities we represent at Rhino Africa. This day is a reminder of their resilience in nature and gives us the opportunity to protect their survival, ensuring a future where rhinos continue to exist for all of us to appreciate and cherish.” – Simone Samuels, IT Lead Project Manager

Keep The Five Alive

So, let’s get down to the rhino species roll call. We’re talking about the black, white, greater one-horned, Sumatran, and Javan rhinos – the superstars of the rhino world. And our mantra for World Rhino Day 2023? It’s “KEEP THE FIVE ALIVE,” reminding us that only a handful of these beauties are left, and it’s our job to help them thrive!

Rhino Africa's World Rhino Day 2023 walk in Cape Town

Together we can make a difference

“World Rhino Day provides an opportunity for us all to celebrate the achievements and recognise the dedicated efforts of organisations worldwide, regardless of their size, in raising awareness about the vital need to safeguard our precious wildlife. This includes not only the protection of endangered species but also the proactive prevention of future entries onto the endangered species list.” – Landy Kent-Millar, Travel Expert

A Rhinopalooza on Sea Point Promenade

Now, when Rhino Africa steps up to the plate, we don’t just tiptoe; we bring the thunder! On World Rhino Day, we assembled at the bustling Sea Point Promenade in Cape Town, ready to impress.

Our Rhino Crash turned up in full force with extended families, friends, and, yes, even our four-legged pals. There were almost 80 of us championing the cause – and that’s not even counting our beloved fur babies!

Rhino Africa celebrates World Rhino Day 2023 with friends and family

Our Rhino Africa family

“World Rhino Day serves as a platform to raise awareness and educate not only our Rhino Crash but also our friends, families, and communities about the grave threats rhinos face in the wild. It’s an occasion for us to rally together, pool resources, and take action to safeguard these magnificent creatures.” – Dean Van Rooyen, HR Coordinator

Dressed to Impress – Rhino Style!

We live by a motto at Rhino Africa: “We show up like pink flamingos.” So, before we hit the streets, you know that we had to strut our stuff and make a statement. We whipped up some exclusive Rhino Africa World Rhino Day attire, and guess what? Every last dime from those shirts goes straight to Wildlife ACT to fuel their epic rhino-saving mission.

With our snazzy duds on, heads were turned, car horns hooted, people waved, and curious bystanders joined the jaunt. We were ready to get this show on the road!

Our World Rhino Day 2023 shirts

We like to dress for the occasion

“I’ve been fortunate enough to see some of the last remaining rhinos of the world in their natural habitat. I’ve seen them roaming the plains in Tanzania and munching leaves in Addo National Park. I’ve heard them drinking from a waterhole in the dead of night and listened to a crash snoring away in Kruger. On World Rhino Day, these memories flood my thoughts, and during those moments, my heartfelt wish is for the generations yet to come to share in these remarkable experiences.” – Gerhard Hefers, Travel Expert

Strutting Our Stuff in Support of Our Namesakes

Under the glorious spring sun and the fresh salty kiss of the ocean breeze, we huddled together to limber up before setting off on our World Rhino Day 2023 expedition. Among us, there were the seasoned sprinters and the leisurely strollers, all itching to get the show on the road! And with that, we were off!

As we paraded along the scenic seaside promenade, our Mother City didn’t disappoint – deciding to flaunt her dazzling beauty. The backdrop of crashing waves provided a soothing serenade to the lively chatter that filled the air. It was an impeccable day to pay homage to rhinos – our beloved real-life unicorns of the wild.

Our Rhino Africa Crash walking on the Sea Point Promenade on World Rhino Day 2023

Walking along the Sea Point Promenade

“I’ve always known that rhinos are unicorns in disguise, and I’m totally obsessed with them! That’s why, on World Rhino Day, I gladly take every step to keep their magic alive!” – Vicky Toms, Concierge Specialist

Ending on a Sweet Note

Our pals at Sotano, a popular restaurant in Mouille Point, opened their doors wide to welcome us for beverages and pastries after our procession. We gathered around, chatted about our morning escapade, and savoured delectable pastries and freshly brewed coffee. A big shout out to Sotano for their warm hospitality!

A crash of white rhinos - World Rhino Day 2023

A rhino crash sticks together

“World Rhino Day echoes the heartbeat of our planet’s biodiversity. It’s a day when we unite to declare that extinction is not an option and that the spirit of these magnificent creatures inspires us to stand as guardians of nature’s wonders.” – Yasmina Adams, Facilities Manager

Every Day is Rhino Day

Why restrict the rhino love to just one day? We’re firm believers that every day should be World Rhino Day! That’s why we’re always on the lookout for ways to support Wildlife ACT in their fearless quest to save the rhinos. You can dive deep into their extraordinary work right here.

World Rhino Day 2023: Rhino Africa staff wearing rhino costumes

We are Rhinos!

“World Rhino Day reminds us to cherish the present and act for a future where rhinos thrive. To bring awareness to these incredible creatures and how we as humans can make a difference in their lives to protect them for future generations to come.” – Janine Gous, Travel Expert

Want to Join in on the Rhino-Saving Action?

If you want to play an important part this World Rhino Day, you can make a donation below. All donations will go to Wildlife ACT to assist them in the valuable conservation work they do.


Bank: FNB

Branch Code: 201409

Account Number: 62743783541

Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Rhino at sunset

Let’s keep them alive!

“What World Rhino Day signifies to me is that it connects people around the globe, young and old, reminding us to protect and conserve these magnificent mammals. It’s an opportunity to educate people about the challenges they face and the importance of preserving their habitat and combating poaching. It’s a privilege to be part of a company that does just that.” – Barry Langenhoven, Sales Manager

Leave Your Mark in Africa

If you’re dreaming of an epic African safari, Rhino Africa is your go-to ticket. Not only will you embark on a life-changing journey, but you’ll also become a conservation hero, contributing to protecting Africa’s landscapes, wildlife, and incredible people. Reach out to our Travel Experts today, and let’s kickstart your African odyssey!

Rhino Africa’s Doing Good Initiatives in Pictures

Doing Good,Rhino Africa

Everything we at Rhino Africa do is geared towards making a lasting positive impact on our continent, protecting our landscapes, wildlife, and uplifting communities. Take a look at some ways that, by travelling with us, you automatically support our Rhino Africa Doing Good initiatives and leave a lasting legacy in Africa.


Hitting the deserts for Challenge4ACause

Hitting the deserts for Challenge4ACause

Started in 2009, Challenge4ACause is an annual mountain biking expedition through the unforgiving landscapes of Damaraland to raise funds to protect Africa’s endangered wildlife, particularly the endangered desert-adapted black rhinos.


The African wild dog needs our help to save their species from extinction, Image Credit: Casey Pratt / Love Africa Marketing

Wildlife ACT is another one of Rhino Africa’s Doing Good initiatives. As one of our key Impact Partners, their goal is to help save endangered and threatened species through impact-driven, education-fueled projects that enable broad-scale biodiversity conservation. One of their projects is protecting the African wild dog by tracking and monitoring them. This helps them understand their threats, empowering them to successfully remove or introduce the species to areas where they’ll thrive. 


Teaching local communities is an important part of conservation, Image Credit: Casey Pratt / Love Africa Marketing

Wildlife protection is not a simple fix. It’s also up to the local communities who share their home with these animals to understand the importance of protecting them. To help address this, Wildlife ACT started Community Conservation Projects around these areas, including a Kid’s Bush Camp.


The African vulture population is rapidly declining, Image Credit: Wildlife ACT

Not many people know this, but the African vulture needs our help to survive as a species. Wildlife ACT is doing important work to track and protect them, as well as to educate communities of their importance in the world as they cleaning up carcasses and other organic waste.


The Khumbulani Day Care Centre is an initiative near and dear to our hearts

The Khumbulani Day Care Centre is an initiative near and dear to our hearts

Another one of Rhino Africa’s Doing Good initiatives is to support the Khumbulani Day Care Centre. A non-profit operating in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, it’s a haven for children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS. We’ve had a long-standing friendship with them and love visiting these smiling faces to spread some joy! 


Protecting vulnerable children and empowering rural communities

Protecting vulnerable children and empowering rural communities

Khumbulani strives towards a healthy nation and provides a safe space for vulnerable children. They have a vegetable garden, daycare and aftercare, as well as a home-based care support group. 


Khumbulani Day Care Centre is a haven for over 300 children

Khumbulani Day Care Centre is a haven for over 300 children

Spending time with the Khumbulani children is always special, and they get to enjoy the staff’s dedicated focus to help develop their young minds.


Our wildlife sometimes need a helping human hand.

Our wildlife sometimes need a helping human hand.

It goes without saying that we love rhinos. We named ourselves after them, after all! It breaks our hearts that they are under attack, and we do everything we can to support initiatives like Wildlife ACT, who’s fighting to protect them.


Endangered white rhino

We’ll continue to fight for a better future for our rhinos

If you’ve ever seen a rhino in real life, you’ll understand why we love them so much. We like to refer to them as real-life unicorns! 


Good Work Foundation

The Good Work Foundation empowers students through digital learning, Image Credit: Good Work Foundation

Another one of our Impact Partners, the Good Work Foundation (GWF), works hard to reimagine education in Africa. As the first digital learning campus model for rural communities, they’re opening doors for the next generation living in areas not as connected to the rest of the world.


Celebrating 10 years of The Good Work Foundation

Celebrating 10 years of The Good Work Foundation

We’re so proud of the incredible work GWF has done – more than a decade of making a difference in rural communities.


David Ryan, CEO und Founder of Rhino Africa

David Ryan, CEO and Founder of Rhino Africa

Our CEO and Founder, David Ryan, is fiercely passionate about protecting and uplifting our continent’s wildlife, landscapes and communities. 

Your African Holiday Makes a Difference 

By travelling with Rhino Africa, you directly contribute to all of the above Doing Good initiatives! Let’s start planning your African holiday, and come leave your lasting legacy in our beautiful home. 

Our Top Impact Partners

Doing Good,General

As a luxury African safari company passionate about sustainability and conservation, we at Rhino Africa are always on the lookout for like-minded organisations to partner with. We’re all about making positive change in Africa, and in 2023, we’re excited to be working with some truly inspirational “earth angels”. Learn more about our Impact Partners.

A child from Khumbulani

The Khumbulani Day Care Centre is an initiative near and dear to our hearts

Good Work Foundation

First up, we’ve got the Good Work Foundation. These guys are all about education, digital literacy, and entrepreneurship in rural areas of South Africa. We believe that providing support and education to communities is crucial for empowering future generations to become conservationists, innovators, and leaders.

Despite the challenges the pandemic brought over these past couple of years, the Good Work Foundation has thrived in leaps and bounds – opening a sixth Mpumalanga-based Digital Learning Campus and enrolling 50,234 students in their Open Learning Academy to date. It’s been a total game-changer for these kids and their families!

Children being educated through digital learning

Empowering future generations of conservationists and leaders

Wildlife Act

Back in 2012, we joined forces with Wildlife Act to support their team of passionate conservationists in their mission to protect endangered and threatened species and bring them back from the brink of extinction. We strive to expand their conservation efforts and provide critical support to the rangers on the front lines of protecting wildlife.

Together with our Impact Partner, we’re committed to safeguarding the future of our planet’s wildlife and ensuring that future generations can enjoy the beauty and diversity of these incredible creatures. Over the past two years, they’ve achieved a myriad of milestones, including saving and tracking hundreds of animals as well as educating 124 new Conservation Ambassadors.

Tagging a young lion

Professional and strategic wildlife monitoring and research, Image Credit: Chantelle Melzer

Khumbulani Day Care Centre

Khumbulani Day Care Centre is an inspiring initiative that Rhino Africa is proud to be a part of. As a haven for 300 HIV Aids-infected and -affected children, Khumbulani was born out of a passion for providing a safe and supportive environment for these young lives. Its inconspicuous beginnings in 2000 in the two-bedroom home of Gloria Bebeza are a testament to the power of determination and the desire to make a difference in the world.

Through their partnership with Rhino Africa and a broad network of funders, their facility has grown immensely with four permanent staff members, 15 volunteers and approximately 300 beneficiaries. Khumbulani is truly inspirational – providing access to education, healthcare, and other essential services to rural communities in need.

Children in one of Khumbalani's classrooms, one of our Impact Partners in South Africa

Protecting vulnerable children and empowering rural communities

Rhinos Saving Rhinos

Last but definitely not least, in our pursuit of protecting Africa’s wildlife, two other initiatives near and dear to our hearts are Challenge4ACause and Save the Rhino Trust

Challenge4ACause is our annual cycling event, where we cycle some of the most remote and unruly routes in the wildest corners of Africa – all the while raising funds to support the conservation of Africa’s endangered species and the upliftment of impoverished communities. 

We also support Save the Rhino Trust in protecting the highly endangered desert-adapted black rhino population. This partnership allows us to work together to ensure the survival of these rhinos in Namibia‘s Damaraland region and positively impact the future of these magnificent mammals.

Rhino Africa's Impact Partners: Challenge4ACause participants

Our annual cycling event raising funds to support Africa’s endangered wildlife

Let’s Support Our Impact Partners

Just by travelling and booking with us, you help uplift local communities, enrich lives, fund conservation projects, and make a tangible difference in Africa’s wildlife, landscapes, and people. Without you, we couldn’t do what we do.

Help us and our Impact Partners make a difference and start planning your African adventure today.