Samantha’s Singita Safari: Part I

Kruger National Park,Safari

One does not often get to return from a safari being able to say they saw the following:

5 lions stalking a giraffe
2 honey badgers in 1 sighting
Leopard climbing up a tree with a kill (twice)
Being charged by an Elephant Bull
300 strong Buffalo herd
Hyena trying to steal a leopard kill
… and much more!

I recently had the privilege to spend four nights at the famed Singita Lodges. I was lucky enough to spend two nights at Singita Ebony in the Sabi Sand and then two nights at Singita Lebombo in their Kruger Concession. It is not hard for me to see why they are known for offering such a truly supreme product. Even more special was that I was able to share this experience with my best friend, Dane.

We flew direct from Cape Town to Kruger on the ideal SA Airlink flight and were met by the friendly Federal Air representative for our shared light charter flight direct to Singita’s landing strip. On arrival we were warmly met by our waiting ranger and tracker team of Johan and Kenneth respectively. How excited we both were to be on the ground in the bush after many weeks of anticipation.

The reception once we entered their flagship Ebony lodge took our breath away. Just a few metres from their expansive viewing deck were a herd of elephant and a couple buffalo drinking out the river as if there only to greet us. After a brief intro to the happenings and schedule of all things Ebony by the continuously gracious and faultless host in Tom, the lodge manager, we were escorted to our awaiting suite to freshen up before a fantastic lunch. Pat was our butler at Ebony – what a friendly man who was there whenever we needed him and yet not obtrusive. He had the formula just right and was of perfect service during our stay.

The suites are large, comfortable and extremely well appointed. From the large plunge pool overlooking the river and plains below to the fireplace, the most comfortable master beds and spacious bathroom, we were at home for the next two nights. We could not ask for more and the trip had yet begun.

The two nights offered us four full game drives and we were most certainly not disappointed. The knowledgeable and friendly Johan and Kenneth found us sightings that were truly unforgettable. Lions, leopards, buffalo, elephants, zebra, giraffe, antelope, birds and so much more. Incredible is the understatement of the year. This is were lucky enough to view two honeybadgers in one sighting; a safari veteran will confirm this is no mean feat.

During our stay I was able to pop into the neighbouring Boulders lodge and the Singita shop and Wine Boutique. Boulders is more contemporary than Ebony, but equally luxurious and unique. The rooms offer a large sitting area, wonderful plunge pool, open plan bathroom and of course the legendary minibars that are common place with all Singita properties… rather Maxi bars if you catch my drift…. Just rightly so as these days on safari lent themselves nicely to many a gin and tonic on the numerous deck areas and fantastic well chosen and aged wines that of course fit themselves in so well with lunches and dinners.

Both lodges have their own wine cellars that are fully stocked with some of the most incredible local wines, a relaxing and ample spa area using all Dermalogica products and of course a gym, should you feel the need to work of the extra kilojoules that inevitably find themselves a suitable home for the winter, so to speak.

The Shop is more than just a shop. It houses all local crafts, linens like those in the lodges, clothes, home-wares, masks, statues, jewels and more… One experiences an explosion of the senses upon walking around the well managed and hosted shop.

Then to what I thought was the most incredible and unique offering of Singita: the Wine Boutique. One is able to spend as much or as little time with well trained members of staff to decide what wine suits their pallets and budget, chat about what wine they have already enjoyed at the lodges, or find other hidden gems amongst the hundreds of well aged and cellared wines that they are able to purchase and arrange to have delivered to their doorsteps back home. What a fantastic “added extra” on offer here as oftentimes you taste a really amazing wine at an exclusive lodge like Singita and have no chance of finding it back home. Singita has this niche taken care of with aplomb.

During our stay we were also able to experience a Boma dinner, which is an outside area, around the roaring fire where we were served a wide variety of game meats and more, offered fine wines and entertained by local singers and dancers under the African night sky… Bliss.

It must be said that our first dinner was a real fine dining affair and I tasted what was arguably the best starter I have ever had in my life (seafood ravioli with a vanilla and lime sauce), but being as fussy an eater as I have the tendency to be, I asked if something simple could be made for me that was not at all on the menu as my main meal and this was no trouble at all. It turned into possibly the best steak, mash and pepper sauce I have ever had in my life too. REALLY!

With heavy hearts and yet more anticipation for what lay ahead, we said our farewells to all at the lodge and headed to our next destination.

Read Part II now…

Singita Ebony and Singita Boulders is situated in 18,000 hectares in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve on the western border of the Kruger National Park. Sabi Sand consists of a number of private game reserves and has no fences, allowing the game to move freely between the reserve and the Kruger National Park. The advantage of being separate to Kruger Park itself is that it affords exclusivity and rare solitude, away from the crowds. Also, in such a private reserve, rangers can go off road and lead night drives and walking safaris, so you can get as close as possible to the action.

The terrain at Sabi Sand has thicker and more bush and is flatter, with fewer ridges and mountains. It is dominated by the Sabie River and Sands River.

UPDATE: Singita Ebony has recently undergone a soft refurbishment. It has a fresh coat of paint and newly landscaped gardens.

LOOK OUT: for more photos from Sam next week on our blog and Flickr!

QUERIES: For more information, contact us.

WATCH: Our Kruger National Park video and watch the Singita Game Reserves video below for a look at these ultimate safari destinations.

Lion Sands, The Taj and the Twankey bar

Cape Town,Kruger National Park,South Africa,Traveller's tales
1 comment

A big thanks to PJ, Warren and the rest of the Lion Sands team for hosting the Rhino Africa team at the Twankey Bar at the Taj Cape Town. A great night was had by all as the wine flowed and delicious canapés were nibbled. The Twankey bar could easily have stepped out of Faringdon or Shoreditch in London as a relaxed and stylish, post-work bar. A great spot to sup a G&T and catch up with a friend or colleague. Oysters, champagne and cocktails dominate, but there is a great selection of beers from &Union, as well as Guinness and Jack Black on tap. A must for anyone living or working in the city.

Some Photo’s from the Lion Sands Evening

Lion Sands in the Sabi Sand private game reserve is a firm favourite with Rhino Africa and is regularly recommended by our expert consultants due to the luxurious accommodation, high quality game viewing and relative affordability.

Thanks again to the Lion Sands team and keep an eye out for our Lion Sands video. Coming soon to a website near you.

Londolozi Game Reserve gets into the Christmas Spirit!

Doing Good,Kruger National Park,Photography & Videos,Safari,South Africa
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Who says you can’t do Christmas in the sunshine?! There are many luxury lodges in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve and in the Kruger National Park as a whole, but a select few go the extra mile which make them firm favourites at Rhino Africa. Londolozi Game Reserve is one such shining star. Their lodges are ultra luxurious, their game viewing is second to none and their conservation efforts are inspirational. As if that wasn’t enough already, they have gone and launched a fantastic community project! Although they do it all year long, we think that their Christmas video really separates them from the crowd.

Well done Londolozi! And in keeping with the Christmas spirit, we will be visiting Khumbulani this Friday to host a Christmas party of our own, keep an eye on our blog for an update 🙂

Read the full story about this video and Londolozi’s Social Responsibility programs on their blog.

Find out more about Londolozi on our website
Contact us to start planning your South African safari

A Video Introduction to the Kruger National Park

Kruger National Park,Photography & Videos

The Kruger National Park and the surrounding private reserves are the heart of South Africa’s big game country. It is here that you’ll find the country’s most famous private safari lodges and some of the best wildlife viewing in the world. We could go on and on about this spectacular safari destination but instead we’ll let you watch this video where consultant Niki Duncan tells you all about the Kruger National Park. If you have ever wondered why you should choose a private game reserve for your luxury safari, the answer is in here.

Want to know more? Read all about the Kruger National Park on our website.

I’m in! Where do I sign? I want to go on safari right now, I want I want..” ok ok, we hear you! Simply contact us and we will get you there.

A Trip to the Kruger, Royal Malewane and Londolozi!

Kruger National Park,South Africa,Traveller's tales


This past weekend a crash of Rhinos headed out to the Kruger National Park for some R&R at some of the country’s top lodges. Unfortunately in our world R&R stands for Rapid & Raucous. Despite staying at Royal Malewane, undoubtedly one of Africa’s most luxurious lodges and then spending two nights at Londolozi Game Reserve in the new Pioneer Camp there was little relaxation, there’s just too much to see and do to sit still for long! With leopards around every corner, rhino running amok, elephants tearing about and lions lurking in every second bush we wanted to get out and see as much as we could.

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

Our first night was spent at Royale Malewane in the Thornybush Game Reserve. There’s luxury and then there’s Royal Malewane. It’s so luxurious that it’s one of the only places Sir Elton John will stay when he visits South Africa. Just ask Billy who got to stay in his suite, did laps in his bath and long jump practice in his shower. It’s huge, bodacious, luxurious, over the top and just plain awesome. Unfortunately despite frantic searches, there wasn’t one pair of his trademark shades available in the entire room, it was bigger than my house though, so it’s likely there was a pair somewhere but a search party of seven was always going to have trouble finding it, we had to make do with playing his music and acting like queens.

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

Amid all the luxury it might be easy to overlook the game viewing, especially when you see the Spa and don’t even get me started on Africa House, the exclusive use villa which takes luxury to yet another level, somewhere up there alongside Mount Olympus. But it would be a mistake to overlook the excellent game viewing. Our talented ranger Ryan and tracker Terence led us through the thick bush in search of game on an evening drive and a morning drive before we had to leave the next day. In that time we spotted Elephant, White Rhino, Lion and a Leopard with cubs. Of course we saw the usual suspects but two of our sightings were totally out of the norm. The first was our leopard sighting, a female and her two cubs. What was unusual is that one of the cubs was born with an unknown defect which meant it was hardly able to walk. Such was the dedication of it’s mother, however that it had to this point survived 6 months! A touching story, in the wild this sort of defect is normally a straight death sentence and unfortunately will most likely end that way. All credit to the rangers who know that despite wanting to help, one must let nature take its course. Our final sighting was not one, not two but three black rhino! An incredibly rare sighting of a mother, father and their month old offspring.

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

From Royal Malewane we did a whistle stop tour of Kapama Game Reserve, checking out Kapama River lodge and it’s amazing spa, Kapama Buffalo Camp with it’s tree hugging tents (they are up in the trees, not entirely sure about their environmental credentials) and finally the recently rebuilt Kapama Karula Camp, which is simply.. Fantastic!

Then we moved on to our two nights at Londolozi Pioneer Camp in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve. The recently refurbished Pioneer Camp is stunning, but I lack the eloquence to describe it, luckily that has already been done for me in an earlier blog post. Instead I’ll concentrate on what we got up to. First thing we did was have a drink, we deserved it after all. Then we jumped into our open top land-rover and headed out in search of game – we didn’t have to go far. Within sight of camp we spotted 3:3 Vumba Young Female a young leopard out looking for dinner. She was to turn out to be the only leopard we saw but she turned up with her kill the next morning so we forgave her for not bringing friends. We also learnt how to identify leopards, but will tell you all about that in a future blog post. Then we moved on to a Hyena den… Vilified they may be and for the most part uglier than a monkey’s armpit but they certainly are amazing animals. The thing that struck me most watching them take care of their young was just how caring they are. You wouldn’t think so watching them tuck into carrion.. but they really are.. and so cute when young!

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

On our next two game drives we spotted Vumba again up in a tree with an impala dinner. Down below the tree, lamenting their lack of climbing ability, were several of our hyena friends from the day before. Our Ranger Mike and tracker Freddy Ngobeni taught us much about the bush, from the birds in the sky to the insects on the ground, they knew it all. If you are wanting an informative game drive then these two are a sure-fire bet, request them, go on do it, you know you want to. We also spotted two lionesses and one male lion, Londolozi is currently at the centre of the Soap Opera of Lion activity, you should read their blog about it, because I can only remember vague details. Something about that one sleeping with that one’s mistress and this one taking over that one’s fashion label.

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

No small wonder that the details are vague, gin and tonics flowed like water, beer like honey and assorted shooters like… an unstoppable river of lava towards the sea! And in between all that we had a little party with bubble wrap, masks and dancing. Fortunately for those involved.. what goes on Safari stays on Safari!

What a weekend, our utmost thanks to our gracious hosts. We hope that they manage to recover from the Rhino Crash whirlwind visiting their otherwise peaceful home!

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

PS- Totally forgot to mention, we got out of the vehicle and snuck through the bush like Elmer Fudd (shhh I’m walking with rhino) to observe a massive White Rhino at close quarters – mind blown.

PPS- Find more pics from our trip on the Rhino Africa Facebook Page

Londolozi & Royal Malewane

New star rising – Londolozi Pioneer Camp

Kruger National Park,Safari,South Africa,Traveller's tales


Singita, Londolozi and Lion Sands no doubt set the bench mark for safari chic and indulgent luxury. Singita Boulders, Londolozi Granite, Lion Sands Ivory and Singita Lebombo have traditionally grappled like young Avatars for the title of the best of the best. After all, one man’s meat can be another man’s poison.

Of course various factors come into the equation. The quality of the game viewing and the skill and knowledge of the rangers, the design of the lodges and standard of luxury, the service, the food and the ambience.

Our intrepid leader, David, recently set off to the Sabi Sand to experience the latest offering from Londolozi – the newly rebuilt Pioneer Camp – it only opened in June 2010.

Londolozi Pioneer Camp

According to Dave Varty, “The New Pioneer Camp 1926 is a symphony of style, bushveld architecture and nature. Perhaps the most exciting and adaptable camp we have ever built at Londolozi.”

Set among the dappled shade of 500 year old ebony trees, the three luxury suites & generous bush home central area is the culmination of four decades of design experience in the safari industry. With 14,000ha of exclusive traversing, the game viewing at Londolozi is insane. David saw 7 different leopards as well as both a wild dog kill and a leopard kill! Have a look at David’s photos on the Rhino Africa Facebook Page.

Pioneer Camp is the most secluded of Londolozi’s luxury camps.  The three private suites have splendid river views and are perfect for honeymoons and private getaways. Yet this adaptable camp can also be converted into a private bush home for family groups of 6 – 14 people through breathtaking sky walkways – glass viaducts that link the family units.

Londolozi Pioneer Camp

The style is very much Ralph Lauren. Timeless, elegant and understated colonial chic. Think clean lines, modern and sophisticated decor, with floor to ceiling glass sliding panels which frame the majestic wilderness beyond.

The bathrooms are classic Victorian with modern accents in the decadent marble, chrome and mahogany finishes. Throughout the camp there is a pervading sense of history thanks to faithfully restored memorabilia of photographs, old suitcases, silver, crystal glass and gramophones.  Everything about Pioneer Camp is deeply personal and provides a romantic backdrop to the adventures of a new generation of sophisticated travellers.

Londolozi Pioneer Camp

David’s verdict – “In terms of luxury and the quality of the game viewing, I think this is possibly the best lodge in the Kruger.”

Be sure to get in touch if you’d like to experience the magic of any of these sensational lodges and decide for yourself which is the best of the best!

Londolozi Pioneer Camp

Win A Luxury Safari!!!

Accommodation,Cape Town,Garden Route,General,Kruger National Park,Safari,South Africa


How about three nights at Cape Town’s most exclusive boutique hotel, MannaBay, followed by two nights at the incredible Londolozi Private Game Reserve, including air transfers!

Win With Rhino Africa

What’s that I hear you say? There must be some catch. But there isn’t! All you have to do is become a fan of (like) Rhino Africa on our Facebook Page and help us achieve our goal of 10,000 Facebook Fans. When we reach 10,000, we’ll randomly select a winner of this once in a lifetime prize.

Find us on Facebook at:

Win With Rhino Africa

So help us spread the word – the sooner we reach our goal, the sooner you could be jetting off to the exclusive Sabi Sand private game reserve!