We have a winner!!!


After much fanfare and suspense we are ready to announce the winner of our 10,000 Facebook Fans competition…We had a little draw with David this morning and it’s time to give someone the safari holiday of a lifetime!

The incredibly lucky winner of three nights at MannaBay, followed by two nights at the mind boggling Londolozi Private Game Reserve, including internal air transfers (but excluding international flights) is…

Congratulations Margery! We are sure that you will enjoy your prize! For the 9,999 of you that didn’t make it this time, all we can say is keep a weathered eye on the Facebook page for another competition and plenty of other giveaways coming very soon! Keep sharing and recommending our page! We are building up a fantastic little Rhino Africa community and really appreciate all of your support!

Moving On Up

Cape Town

And so the next chapter begins. From its humble beginnings on David’s dining room table in 2004, Rhino Africa is now on office number four some six and a half years after its inception. And we’ve grown to nearly 60 employees, bringing over 15,000 guests to Africa every year!

Rhino Africa Safaris - Our Old Offices
Our new office is the perfect space for us Rhinos. It’s got a real New York Loft style feel to it. A wonderfully modern and creative space. All open plan with spectacular panoramic views of Cape Town. Our previous office was a bit of a rabbit warren, spread over three floors. Now we can all wave at each other, basking in natural light, before enjoying a cheeky tipple in our new bar. The bar needs a name though, so please send us your suggestions. We’ll send a Rhino Africa USB stick to the best suggestion!

Rhino Africa Safaris - The bar
The bar has already seen use, but we need a name for it!

Rhino Africa Safaris - More office space
Our CEO even has a fish tank on his desk!
Rhino Africa Safaris - Consultants at work
Look at all those consultants busy planning tailor-made safaris
Rhino Africa Safaris - View of Table Mountain
This is the view from our swanky new boardroom!

So what do you need to know about our new offices? Well basically nothing has changed apart from our address. And even that hasn’t changed drastically – we’re only one road away from our old offices (which means that the Cookshop can rest easy). From now on you can find us at:

99 Hope Street
Cape Town
South Africa

Our Contact details haven’t changed:

Tel: + 27 21 469 2600 | Fax: + 27 21 469 2606
Toll Free: UK 0808 238 0044 | USA 888 2156 556 | Australia 1 800 447164
www.rhinoafrica.com | info@rhinoafrica.com

Postal Address: PO Box 16451, Vlaeberg, 8018, Cape Town

Of course none of Rhino Africa’s success would have been possible without the patronage of our much valued clients and the support of our suppliers. So here’s to the next chapter and to a great many more adventures!

Check out some more pics on our Facebook group in our new office album.

A visit to the Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees

Cape Town,Garden Route,Traveller's tales
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This past weekend saw the start of a truly South African experience and after a trek and a half I arrived in time to see the sights and hear the sounds of the Klein Karoo Nationale Kunste Fees (in English, the Little Karoo National Arts Festival). Held in Oudtshoorn, it is a celebration of the all the wonder that is Afrikaans culture and art.

After a 5 hour drive down the Whale Route past Gordon’s Bay, Kleinmond and on to Mossel Bay before taking a sharp turn inland and over the Outeniqua Mountains you get to Oudtshoorn. It’s a beautiful little town famous for ostriches, heat and the nearby Cango Caves… oh, and ostriches. Did I say that already? Well, there are many of these flightless birds in these parts and it is big business! Apart from the annual influx of tourists for the week long festival, the feathers keep the town flying high and are in high demand in the fashion capitals of the world.

Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees - Art Installation
My drive back to Cape Town was along the famous Route 62. The endless desert road, flanked by mountains and not much else, is a gruelling one. Dotted with little towns famous for the strangest things you might come across, whether it’s the award winning Port in Calitzdorp or a little farm stall on the outskirts of the town that is a pioneer in the field of Solar Ovens. You will also see geological marvels like the Red Hills.

As you make your way back to the Mother City, less isolated towns like Montagu and Robertson greet you with vinyards and orchards. You’ll see many a cellar that you might only have ever seen on the labels in your local bottle store.

While my visit was a quick two day roundtrip, I suggest you contact one of our travel consultants to plan your Garden Route experience and turn this 1000km round trip into a leisurely journey of fine spirits and feathered friends.

Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees - Route 62


I am woman, hear me roar: Rhino Africa salutes the women of the world!


Any Sex and the City fan will recall that scene in the second movie where our four girls belt out one of the great female anthems in an Abu Dhabi karaoke bar.  It is one of those definitive girl-power moments where you can’t but help get more than a little filled with the belief in limitless possibilities! Their performance gets the crowd to sing along (even the hunky Australian rugby team) as they declare:

“I am woman watch me grow
See me standing toe to toe
As I spread my lovin’ arms across the land
I am woman, hear me roar
In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an’ pretend!”

So on this, the 8th day of March 2011, we celebrate International Women’s Day and it is with these lyrics in mind that I write, in tribute, to the female of our species.

The ‘hear me roar’ part got me thinking about the females of other species…  It really is a woman’s world in the animal kingdom!

With their history of female monarchs, I’ve always thought the Brits to be quite progressive, that is until I realised bees bow down only to a queen. Along with bees, females rule many other colonial insect species. But only the Queen Bee is truly fabulous!

The Matriarch

Moving on in size, a truly giant female figure rules the Elephant world. Elephant societies are completely female-centric and the matriarch leads the herd in all aspects of life; through drought and the rainy season, birth, attack from predators and she also leads them in mourning after a death… a real modern woman!

On a more feminine, feline note, the lionesses has well, the lion’s share of girl power! Even though the dynamics are a little old school when it comes to ratio of males to females, the lionesses do the hunting and are successful because of their ability to work as a group and communicate (girls I know you are nodding your heads knowingly). They also have the ability to reprimand the males, the picture says it all ladies!

The lion's share of female power!

Perhaps the most odd, hilarious female in all the animal kingdom is the Hyena.  Not only do the females prefer younger males in mating (the inter-species term cougar applies) but they also have the ability to make their genitals resemble the male’s ‘equipment’. This takes power dressing to a whole new level!

So, whether you are a career gal donning a suit to assert yourself, the mother who walks for hours to collect water for her tiny village, a feisty feline in leopard print out on the prowl or the wise and wonderful head of a family, Rhino Africa salutes you on Women’s Day!

With my foot still tapping to the girls and their karaoke, the final lines of the song seem only fitting:

“I am strong,
I am invincible,
I am woman
Oh, I am woman!”

Listen to ‘I am Woman’ for your dose of female power!

Lyrics to ‘I am Woman by Helen Reddy and Ray Burton


Challenge4aCause 2011 Event Line-up

Doing Good,Namibia,Photography & Videos,Traveller's tales

Three years ago, we at Rhino Africa, always keen to find more ways of helping conserve and protect our valuable natural resources started a little project called Challenge4aCause. That first year 18 challengers cycled 300 kilometres across the Damaraland Desert and raised R300,000 for the The Save The Rhino Trust that protects the desert adapted black rhino in the Damaraland Desert.

The following year we again undertook the grueling cycle and raised a further R500,000. Now in its third year Challenge4aCause has grown beyond the bounds of Rhino Africa and come into its own. A fully fledged charity with a point to prove, and a whole lot of good to be done. We’re aiming to raise over R1million this year so that we can fund not only simple anti-poaching techniques, but also contribute to advanced monitoring technologies for all threatened and endangered species.

This year Challenge4aCause will be undertaking not just one Challenge, not even two, but three Challenges! And we’re inviting you to come on these magical journeys with us! You’ll be taking part in a life changing event that will push your personal limits, while helping conservation projects and communities in Africa. This year there will be a cycle through the Damaraland Desert as well as an unprecedented cycle along the remote and pristine Skeleton Coast. Both will be in Namibia and both are remote, desolate and beautiful. The third challenge takes place in the Mashatu Game Reserve in Botswana. Have a look at our video which will give you a glimpse of what to expect:

Join the Challenge4aCause Facebook group to find out more about the various charities Challenge4aCause supports and to get more information about each of the challenges on offer this year. Book your place in history today!

Check out some pics from the 2009 Challenge and the 2010 Challenge.

You can also email Challenge4aCause at info(at)challenge4acause.com

The Rhinos Are Coming To The New York Travel Show!

Traveller's tales

So the Rhinos are off to the Big Apple. To the Jacob K. Javits Convention Centre – Booth 1154 will be our home for 3 days! If Mohammed won’t come to the mountain, the mountain must come to Mohammed! So we’re taking Africa to America.

Like the cast from Coming to America, we have been hopping on one leg, frantically preparing for the trip. We’ve got banners, posters and some very snazzy Rhino Africa 4 Gig USB sticks to give away, not to mention a whole lot of kit and chocolates.

And guess what? Yes we’re giving away ANOTHER luxury safari holiday! This time it’s worth $15,000 and all you have to do is come and visit us at the New York Times Travel Show!

We’ve also got 100 Free Tickets to give away – first come, first served – if you would like a ticket, just email ross@rhinoafrica.com, then come and visit us at our booth and you might also win the safari holiday!

Children under 18 are admitted free, so bring everyone along for an unforgettable world tour!

What: The New York Times Travel Show
When: February 25 – 27
Where: Jacob K. Javits Convention Centre
Booth No#: 1154

Rhino Africa New York Times Travel Show Posters
So what’s in store for you at the show…


Get a closer look at domestic and international hot spots, familiar favourites, and those under-the-radar escapes that are still relatively crowd free.


Get great travel tips at the travel seminars held throughout the day, hosted by experts in the field including Arthur and Pauline Frommer, Rick Steves, Julia Dimon, The New York Times editorial team and our very own David Ryan.


Six cultural stages will feature live performances and culinary presentations from around the world, including a one-of-a-kind culinary stage presented by the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival where South Florida chefs will bring a taste of the Festival north for the weekend.


Find a great deal on your dream destination then book your trip right at the show. American Express booking stations will be available to help you plan your next big adventure.


The Family Fun Pavilion offers a wealth of activities for the entire family. Kids can test their skills on a climbing wall and pique their curiosity with engaging activities hosted by NYC area museums.

Cape Town is a Beautiful City in Timelapse – Don’t You Agree?

Cape Town,Photography & Videos

Rhino Africa Safaris is based in Cape Town so it’s understandable that we really love this city. No one can deny that it ranks up there as one of the most spectacular cities in the world. Table Mountain towers over the Cape Town City Bowl and watches over the V&A Waterfront and Lion’s Head protects Sea Point and Greenpoint from the Cape Doctor (what we call the wind round here). Then there’s the amazing beaches of Clifton and Camps Bay, the seal filled harbour at Hout Bay and the baboon and dassie filled Cape Peninsula National Park. Every bit of Cape Town just seems to ooze pretty, scenic and beautiful and this timelapsed video set to some dramatic music certainly shows the Mother City’s best side. Enjoy!

Check out our Cape Town Tours, which we can tailor-make to suit your individual requirements, or simply contact us now to plan your Cape Town holiday and African safari.

Memoirs from the Cape Royale and Gondwana Game Reserve…

Cape Town,Garden Route,South Africa,Traveller's tales

“Oh Wow, they are Massive!”

There’s a scene in one of my favourite movies where the assistant to the high-powered lead actress is given a landslide of impossible tasks and errands. She repeats a very simple mantra in order to convince herself that the hellish to-do list is all worth it in the end; “I love my job. I love my job. I love my job.” This past weekend, I, and some other Rhino Africans, found ourselves repeating the exact same mantra while enjoying the luxury of the Cape Royale and Gondwana Game Reserve. And after a weekend like that, we really do love our jobs… The things we at Rhino Africa have to do to bring you the best in luxury safari travel!

After work on Friday, we headed down, or should I rather say all the way up, to Sky Bar on the roof of the Cape Royale. While some of us were spinning circles to take in the 360-degree view of the city, the stadium and the mountain, others stood at the foot of the stage waiting for South African band Goldfish to take us into the star studded Friday night. And by star studded I mean the guest list, not the evening sky. Rumour has it the Rhino Africans were in the company of Chelsy Davy (Prince Harry’s Ex) and her posse of suave male admirers

After the beats died down we checked into our suites, took in the view that only the Cape Royale can offer and made our way to the 1800 restaurant for dinner. If you are wondering about the name, a clue is most certainly in the tasting… The name of the restaurant refers to a signature grill – imported from New York and the first of its kind in South Africa – that literally cooks steak at a temperature of 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. 1800° is no ordinary steakhouse. Meat is their specialty and if the silence during main course was any indication of how good the steak was, mum’s the word.

Bellies filled and glasses empty, the team retired to bed… as wake-up calls were at 5:30. Ok, I’m not a very good liar. Some of the team retired to bed… those who didn’t suffered deservedly on the 4 hour trip to Gondwana, which departed at 7:15 sharp.

Fast forward 4 hours and we were welcomed at Lehele Lodge with Mimosas, Bloody Marys (for the fragile troops) and an impressive lunch spread. The weather was slightly on the overcast side but the good people of Gondwana understand the value of a fireplace.

Lunch was followed by a short Land Rover trip to the Kwena Huts. This was to be home to the Rhino Africans and apparently to a small pride of lions, as some of the more unfortunate, further flung hut dwellers in the team would discover. There are 14 huts, I was staying in lucky number (predator surrounded) 13. And after my caring colleagues, the occupants of huts 11 and 12, decided to move into huts 9 and 10 due to the theory that there is safety in numbers, I was left alone and had to either be escorted to and from my hut or win the Olympic gold.

After some time to unpack and relax, half the team went on a game drive while the other half stayed by the fire and delicious nibblies, in the lounge area. Those that stayed enjoyed many drinks and went head to head playing 30 Seconds and Jenga. While some contenders proved worthy, the performance of others raised serious doubts as to why they were still employed. Those that opted for the game drive were fortunate to see Lion, Zebra and Eland. Once all had returned it was time to sample the best that Head chef, Alessandro De Bortoli had to offer and most of the Rhino Africans came close to overdosing on decadent ostrich sushi, duck liver tempura, a trio of game meat, roasted vegetables, Malva Pudding and banana Mousse. I think dinner could have been a ploy by the lions to make the resident of hut 13 flavourful and plump for their midnight snack. After everyone had been escorted to their huts the silence of the reserve ensured a seven star snooze enhanced by an indulgent bath and a hot cup of cocoa.

Sunday morning presented three different options: fishing, horseback safari or an early morning game drive. While some were enjoying the solitude of casting into the misty morning air or galloping through the fynbos, those that opted for the game drive were again treated to lion sightings as well as a very rare, comedic sighting of the elusive, Lesser Spotted Giant African Rabbit. If you are a little lost, allow me to explain… Our fantastic ranger pointed to a herd of Grey Rhebuck and described how they ‘looked like giant rabbits’ from a distance. The newest member of our team (whose name will not be mentioned) only heard, “Giant Rabbits” upon which he exclaimed, with all the naivety and wonder of a small child seeing something truly awe inspiring for the first time, ‘Oh Wow, they are Massive!”.

When we’d stopped laughing and the early morning activities concluded, a fresh breakfast spread filled our bellies (Operation Bacon and Eggs as our exceptional Ranger, Forget, decided to call it) for the trip back to Cape Town, home of Rhino Africa.

With such a wonder-filled weekend of spoiling and splurging, Rhino Africa would like to say a huge thanks to Francois and his team from the Cape Royale and Mark, Louise and the team from Gondwana for their generous hospitality, kindness and fluffy rhinos!

Birds do it…

General,Indian Ocean Islands,South Africa
1 comment

Yes they do, and I’ve heard that some bees do it. Perhaps you should do it too? With South African Airways and their latest 2 for 1 fare to Africa, flying south for the winter just became an option for those of us lacking in feathers.

This special promotion of 2 for 1 airfare from their gateways in New York (JFK) and Washington, D.C. (IAD) to 18 destinations in Africa includes SAA’s exciting and adventurous destinations in Southern Africa, East Africa and the Indian Ocean Islands. And what a coincidence, Rhino Africa specialises in these very destinations! If I were you, I would book my inbound flight to South Africa and get one of our travel experts to take care of your luxury African safari!

www.flysaavacations.com to find out more about the specials and visit Rhino Africa to book your luxury safari holiday now!

A Letter to Santa

Doing Good,Safari

Compliments of the Season to all our wonderful clients, friends and suppliers!!!

It’s been quite a year at Rhino Africa and certainly time for a well earned glass of mulled wine and a few mince pies! Thank you for all your loyal support and patronage. But as we kick back this Festive Season, let’s not forget the plight of our horny friends. We did some great awareness raising in 2010, but we can achieve even greater things in 2011 and make a real difference in the fight against poaching!

Dear Santa,

We have been really, really good this year; we made people happy, we paid our taxes and we reduced our carbon footprint. So, we are sure that if you check the ‘Nice’ side of your list you will without doubt see Rhino Africa somewhere near the top. We are also certain that if you shift your gaze to the ‘Naughty’ side, pole position will be occupied by Poachers!

Now, having some idea how your systems work with lists checked twice and such, we would like to use our preferential spot in your books to ask for something big this year…

Last night, in the Northwest Province, another Rhino was slaughtered by poachers. This brings the number of Rhino killed in 2010 to over 316. This is totally unacceptable.

We are sure you’re wondering where you fit in Mr Clause… Well, here’s the deal…

We promise to continue being good and doing good if you agree to reward our saintly behavior with some public love & support for our Pachyderm pals and their conservation. We could be asking for better fences or more wildlife patrols, but we know that the friends of Rhino Africa need to wish for the same to ensure we still see Rhinos on safari for years to come.

And then we might still be able to call ourselves Rhino Africa…

Merry Christmas Santa, fly safely and be sure to pack some shorts – Christmas day is set to be a scorcher in South Africa!

Yours in yuletide cheer,

Rhino Africa

PS – If you would like to donate to our Challenge4aCause fund which raises money for the Save the Rhino Trust and other charities, then please visit our pledge page…

Sunny Christmas in Khayelitsha.

Doing Good
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Christmas at Khumbulani
Today, as planned, the Rhino Africa KFC (Khumbulani Festive Committee) brought Christmas to Khayelitsha and in Africa we do things a little differently. The KFC caravanned to Khumbulani Daycare Center, cars overflowing with toys that were wrapped in shiny paper and lunch boxes stocked with treats. On arrival we were greeted by a choir of excited children, dressed in their Sunday best, eager to find out what was going on.

Along with friends from Opulent Living Magazine and the IGLTA, our Santa (Rudi the red nosed reindeer) handed out the individual presents to the adorable children

Their good manners and gratitude are a testament to the good work Gloria Bebeza does at Khumbulani! Our thanks and appreciation to all those who were involved in helping Rhino Africa bring some Christmas spirit to the children and caregivers of Khumbalani. Next up on the agenda for Khumbulani is the new building, so watch this space!

Christmas at Khumbulani

A massive thank you to our wonderful clients and suppliers. Through your support, patronage and by simply travelling with Rhino Africa, we are able to make a REAL difference to the lives of these fantastic children.

A special mention to Barbara and Florian from Opulent Living magazine – thank you for joining us and for your generous donation towards Khumbulani. Without all of your support, we would not be able to undertake the work that we do.

Christmas at Khumbulani
Christmas at Khumbulani

Londolozi Game Reserve gets into the Christmas Spirit!

Doing Good,Kruger National Park,Photography & Videos,Safari,South Africa
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Who says you can’t do Christmas in the sunshine?! There are many luxury lodges in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve and in the Kruger National Park as a whole, but a select few go the extra mile which make them firm favourites at Rhino Africa. Londolozi Game Reserve is one such shining star. Their lodges are ultra luxurious, their game viewing is second to none and their conservation efforts are inspirational. As if that wasn’t enough already, they have gone and launched a fantastic community project! Although they do it all year long, we think that their Christmas video really separates them from the crowd.

Well done Londolozi! And in keeping with the Christmas spirit, we will be visiting Khumbulani this Friday to host a Christmas party of our own, keep an eye on our blog for an update 🙂

Read the full story about this video and Londolozi’s Social Responsibility programs on their blog.

Find out more about Londolozi on our website
Contact us to start planning your South African safari