IGLTA Cape Town Event

Cape Town,General

The IGLTA hosted its inaugural Cape Town workshop and networking event for existing and prospective members at the Cape Royale yesterday.

The South African Ambassador to the IGLTA, David Ryan, opened the meeting and introduced the speakers, which included Rudi Wagenaar from Inspirational Places who is also an IGLTA member, and Ross Bowers, the Marketing Manager at Rhino Africa Safaris.

According to David, the LGBT market now makes up close to 7 % of the North American population and this includes people with a high propensity for travel. That’s nearly 40 million people – almost the entire population of South Africa!

About 50 people attended yesterday's IGLTA workshop

Guests mingling before the workshop

David emphasised a need for businesses and individuals in the travel industry in South Africa to work together in order to leverage the gay and lesbian travel market. Many overseas gay and lesbian travellers, especially Americans, associate the problems in places like Uganda with the rest of Africa. This causes a great deal of uncertainty when travelling to Africa and accordingly those travellers seek out the reassurance of the IGLTA. The IGLTA Member Directory is often the first port of call. Many gay and lesbian travellers are also keen to support LGBT businesses and the IGLTA logo helps point them in the right direction.

As South Africans we know what a liberal constitution we have and how welcoming and tolerant Cape Town is as a destination, but not everyone knows this.

Guests chatting before the workshop

The Cape Town IGLTA Conference in full swing

David stressed that the IGLTA is an association and as with any association, you get out what you put in. The IGLTA does not exist to market individual businesses but rather provides businesses with the tools and know how to access and connect with the gay and lesbian travel market. In other words, your $300 membership fee is not a marketing budget in itself.

The IGLTA in South Africa hopes to promote South Africa as a gay-friendly destination. Cape Town is not among the top 5 most visited cities for American or European gay and lesbian travellers. Instead cities like Buenos Aires, Bangkok, Sao Paolo, London and Paris reign for US travellers. Buenos Aires, Bangkok, Las Vegas, Miami and the Greek Islands are top of the tree for Europeans. The IGLTA South Africa is keen to see Cape Town in that top 5 list and also to bring the annual convention to Cape Town in the next few years.

South African IGLTA Ambassador, David Ryan

Rudi Wagenaar of Inspirational Places was one of the speakers

David added that one of the best ways to optimise your membership is to attend the annual IGLTA Convention. A key sentiment at this year’s Convention was that the gay and lesbian travel segment is no longer a ‘niche market’. “The IGLTA is here to stay and what’s more, it’s growing exponentially,” he said.

Next year’s Convention takes place in Florianopolis, Brazil from 12-14 April 2012. Last year the Convention was held in Fort Lauderdale – the city did itself proud and really proved itself as a world-class gay and lesbian travel destination.

Ross Bowers from Rhino Africa delivers his speech

Rhino Africa’s Ross Bowers went on to discuss how to optimise your membership, especially on the IGLTA website and through your online profile, as well as other marketing opportunities available to members.

View Ross’s presentation here:

Watch the short video on how to optimise your IGLTA Membership:

Enjoy panoramic views over Cape Town from the Sky Bay

How To Join!

You can apply to join as either a General or Associate Member – find out more about the different kinds of membership and other details on the IGLTA website. You can apply online here. We have negotiated a special discount for South African members of the travel industry for General Membership, valid until the end of December 2011. Save up to $660 per property/business and pay only $300 for annual membership. The $100 one time application fee is waived for South African travel businesses. Apply online with the special promo code – GROUP-SOUTH AFRICA.

Spectacular views of Greenpoint Stadium from Cape Royale Sky Bar

Marketing Opportunities

In addition to 2200 member businesses, IGLTA works with over 7000 consumers on a global level to educate the LGBT traveller on welcoming businesses, hot new destinations and all the offerings our members put out there. There are so many opportunities including web banners, e-mail blasts, newsletter sponsorship, search sponsorship, brochure distribution and advertising in the membership directory. You can find all the detailed information that you need on the IGLTA marketing page online.

The Cape Royale Sky Bar

After the workshop the guests and speakers made their way up to the roof of the Cape Royale – known as the Sky Bar, a great open air place to have drinks and snacks with views of Table Mountain, the Greenpoint Stadium and the ocean and city beyond. Members and potential future members mingled over delicious wine provided by DeMorgenzon Wine Estate, dished out by the Wine Fairy, Katie Barratt, and tasty canapés.

Snacks at the Cape Royale Sky Bay

A beautiful day in Cape Town atop the Sky Bar

A Special Thanks

A special thank you needs to go out to the Cape Royale Hotel for hosting the event and to Cape Town Tourism for supporting the IGLTA workshop. We’re looking forward to expanding the IGLTA and working with some new faces!

Keen to experience the Cape Royale Hotel and Sky Bar yourself? Contact us and we can help book you an amazing Cape Town vacation that includes this luxury accommodation, as well as other exciting options.

IGLTA Convention – The Industry, The Market and The Association

Cape Town,South Africa,Traveller's tales

Unleashed by name, unleashed by nature. Fort Lauderdale and the IGLTA (International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association) did themselves proud at this year’s annual convention.

A key sentiment at this year’s event was that the gay and lesbian travel segment is no longer a ‘niche market’. The whole convention lent enormous credibility to that, delivering a tourism convention to rival any mainstream tourism convention. The IGLTA is here to stay and what’s more, it’s growing exponentially.

IGLTA Convention in Fort Lauderdale

The State of the Global Travel Industry

Before looking at the LGBT market specifically, it is worth taking a look at the industry as a whole. Despite the harbingers of doom, ash clouds, terrorism and rising oil prices, the tourism industry and the appetite for travel continues to grow strongly. The travel industry accounts for 6-7% of global employment and is leading economic development around the world.

According to the UNWTO (the World Tourism Organisation), worldwide tourist arrivals numbered 528 million in 1995 compared to 935 million in 2010. The forecast is for this to increase to 1.5 billion by 2015, fuelled partly by the prosperity of the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), a growing and ageing population and the young and affluent travelling for the first time from those emerging markets.

Regional forecasts predict steady growth in 2011 with African visitors expected to grow between 4 – 7 %. This is particularly impressive considering the strong African growth in 2010 (6.4%) driven by the FIFA World Cup.

We are competing in an ever more open and global market with countries outside of the Top 15 destinations making up 44% of the global travel market compared to 25% in 1970.

The LGBT Market

It is now estimated that the LGBT market makes up close to 7% of the North American population. And that 7% has a high propensity for travel. To put that into perspective, we’re talking about nearly 40 million people. Almost the entire population of South Africa.

Some interesting statistics about the global LGBT market:

86% take a minimum of 2 vacations per year
89% of these will take more than 4 a year
78% are long-haul destinations
56% will fly premium cabin
87% will choose boutique/design led properties
90% will only stay in 4+ star properties
Yet, just 29% will choose gay-only properties
57% admit that they don’t really check the property’s gay-friendly status

Below is a table of the most popular vacation destination for LGBT travellers in 2010.





There is no reason why Cape Town should not feature in both the above lists. It is simply a question of pulling together as an industry and promoting the city to that market.

One of the best ways for us to do this is through the IGLTA.

IGLTA Convention in Fort Lauderdale

The IGLTA and the 2011 Convention

The 2011 convention was a great success attended by over 600 global delegates. It was a phenomenal event offering second to none networking opportunities, high level educational sessions, an extremely busy consumer show and a media summit.

Fort Lauderdale really showcased itself as a world class gay and lesbian travel destination. The convention was a huge boom for Fort Lauderdale, supported and attended by the Broward County Mayor and Nicki Grossman, President of the Greater Fort Lauderdale CVB. Her estimate was that the gay and lesbian travel market had contributed over $1 billion to the Fort Lauderdale economy.

The Fort Lauderdale Hilton Marina provided the perfect base for seminars, networking lunches, a pool party welcome reception and of course a few strong cocktails and some all too short tanning time.

The hotel was a short ride away from the gay district of Wilton Manors, which ranks 3rd in the U.S. for its percentage of gay residents as a proportion of total population, which no doubt accounts for the well attended consumer show and provided delegates with rather too many late night options. Strong coffees were the order of the day in the morning educational sessions.

The whole convention was meticulously planned and executed and a tribute to the hard work of the staff and board of the IGLTA, from the sponsored lunches, conference guides, welcome packs, educational sessions, drinks receptions and discount cards through to the culmination of the magnificent gala dinner at the Fort Lauderdale Convention Centre. Every moment was crammed with useful and thoroughly enjoyable events. And of course it wouldn’t be a gay event without some fabulous singers, Crystal Waters and Kristine W (not to mention the butterfly boys).

IGLTA Convention in Fort Lauderdale

The convention also offers a fabulous opportunity to travel to new destinations, experience new cultures and experience the industry from a different point of view. It’s great returning from a convention like that brimful of ideas and renewed enthusiasm. The encouraging thing was that at the convention and throughout the States, there was huge interest and enthusiasm about South Africa.

Click here to visit the post-convention page which contains, press entries, photos and the detailed presentations from the educational sessions. There is also plenty of information about social media and ideas on how to better target the gay and lesbian market.

IGLTA Convention in Fort Lauderdale
All the IGLTA ambassadors

David Ryan, as South African Ambassador, is working hard to expand the South African membership base and encouraging increased involvement with the association with the hope of bringing the convention to Cape Town in the near future.

Unlike any other travel association, the IGLTA works tirelessly to provide direct benefits to its members. One of David Ryan’s roles is to bring gay and gay friendly businesses in South Africa together in an effort to harness the potential of gay and lesbian travel to our shores. His primary role however, is to enable South African members to maximise their IGLTA benefits, whether it be advice on your presence on the IGLTA website, hosting Fam Trips for gay media or tour operators, or simply an introduction to particular market segments.

The 2012 IGLTA Convention

Florianopolis, Brazil
April 11 – 14 2012

IGLTA Convention in Floripa 2012

PDF about the 2012 convention

What better excuse to visit Brazil?! A country currently booming and bursting at the seams with eager potential visitors to South Africa. We’d encourage as many of you as possible to attend next year’s convention which we have no doubt will be worth it. The great news is that the 2012 convention does not coincide with Indaba and as it takes place in the Southern hemisphere, we’re hoping that a number of you will be able join us. With enough support we can convince the IGLTA to put together a Spotlight on Africa session.

IGLTA Convention in Fort Lauderdale - David recieving his award

South Africa Receives Pioneer Honours

David Ryan and Rhino Africa received the IGLTA Pioneer Award for their contribution to sustainable tourism, community upliftment and wildlife conservation in Africa at the 2011 convention. A great honour and some great recognition for South Africa and the good work that tourism to South Africa can achieve.

IGLTA Convention in Fort Lauderdale - David with his award

Not yet a Member of the IGLTA?

You can join online by either filling in the application form and submitting it by email or simply registering online. If you have any problems whatsoever, just call the IGLTA Member Services at +1 954 630 1652.

And the IGLTA Pioneer Award goes to…. DAVID RYAN!

Doing Good

We’ve come a long way since the early days on David’s dining room table. But we’ve always remembered our roots. We love giving back and every time you book with us you help us to keep our good work going. But none of this would be possible without our fearless and intrepid leader – David Ryan.

We at Rhino Africa know David as a boss with vision, a head for business and a love for wildlife which has filtered into many a heart. With David at the helm, Rhino Africa has positioned sustainable tourism as our core value. It’s our mission to make everything we do not only planet friendly but also benefit the people and communities around Cape Town and Africa as a whole.

We followed on our bikes as David cycled through desert and mountains for Challenge4aCause. We give what we can to the Khumbalani day care centre in Khayelitsha, a place close to David’s heart, not to mention the Good Work Foundation. Most recently, we took part in the Save the Rhino Parade march which not only saw us win best float at Cape Town Pride, but also saw many people don our Rhino Africa/IGLTA ‘Proudly Saving the Rhino’ shirts, vests and banners – a two for one victory thanks to David.

We know he is an incredible man, and it’s great to see the recognition flying his way.

At the Annual Global Convention of the International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association in Fort Lauderdale, Florida on 12 May, our very own Rhino Africa top (wild) dog will receive the IGLTA Pioneer Award for all that he has done. In the IGLTA’s very own words:
The IGLTA Honors will be presented to recognize leaders in LGBT tourism across a wide range of categories.

  • Pioneer: David Ryan, CEO Rhino Africa Safaris and founder of its gay subsidiary, Out2Africa – Passionate about using tourism to uplift local communities and conserve wildlife, Ryan started Challenge4aCause to raise money through cycling challenges in Africa. Events benefit the Save The Rhino Trust, the Wildlife ACT Fund, and the Good Work Foundation.

We are very proud of our in-house pioneer but are not surprised as his integrity and the courage of his convictions are what has helped him turn Rhino Africa, and his many other ventures, into the successes that they are.

And with so many projects under his belt and many more to come, such as the 2011 Challenge4aCause Damaraland cycles aiming to raise over $125,000, we know David will not be resting on his laurels but will endeavour to champion the causes close to his heart with the support of all who admire him and see the goodness in his actions.

New office, a bar without a name, award winning boss… the next chapter is off to a great start.


IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!

Accommodation,Cape Town,Traveller's tales

Wow! We’ve spent the most amazing couple of weeks showing off our beautiful country to the IGLTA (International Gay and Lesbian Travel Association) and members of the IGLTA which included tour operators and agents from across the globe. We hosted representatives from Chicago,  San Francisco, Las Vegas, New York, Australia and the UK. What a combination! All aboard the fun bus!

We’ve laughed until we’ve cried and we’ve made some very good friends in the process. Today is a sad day indeed as we wave goodbye to the IGLTA (sadder for them though as most of them head back to a Northern Hemisphere winter!).

IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!
IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!

The idea behind the ‘Fam’ (‘familiarisation’ rather than ‘family’, although in this case, that works too) trip was to get members of the IGLTA to see our wonderful country and to understand what a fantastic destination it is for gay and lesbian travellers. It is always such a treat to show our country to people who know very little about the place or what to expect. And boy were they impressed! What a pleasure it was to host such a fantastic and passionate bunch of people. Whether it was Babs sporting her safari-chic, bee keeper’s outfit (apparently to keep the mosquitoes away), Bill (the one that looks like Prince William – more Prince than William) breaking out into an impromptu dance or Andrew and Alan forcing the Amro bear upon any willing bystander for a quick photo opportunity – there was never a dull moment.

David Ryan is the South African Ambassador to the IGLTA and is working hard to expand the membership base. The Gay & Lesbian travel market is a huge, untapped market from which we can all benefit by working together to promote the country as the stunningly beautiful, culturally eclectic and supremely tolerant destination that it is.

Rhino Africa and Out2Africa hosted two separate groups for two weeks – each spent a week in Cape Town staying at the MannaBay and 3 wonderful nights at Londolozi Private Game Reserve in the Sabi Sand where everyone saw the Big 5 and Babs (our lady from Las Vegas) managed to accessorize with the Big 5. For those who have never been on safari, it really is a life changing experience and for these guys, it was no exception as they got up close and personal some of Africa’s most magnificent wildlife – rhino, elephants, leopards, lion and buffalo were in abundance. As was the food and wine – Bacchus eat your heart out!

A big thank you to the teams at Rhino Tripping, Bateleur Air, SA Airlink, MannaBay and Londolozi for your help and generous support over the last few weeks in making the trip such an enormous success.

IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!
IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!
IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!

We also hosted two small networking events at MannaBay so that the IGLTA members could meet local gay business owners as well as Cape Town Tourism – both events were really well attended and a great opportunity to swap some ideas and make some great new contacts.

We checked out the ‘Gaybourhood’ around De Waterkant and Green Point, we ate burgers at Beefcakes and partied the nights away at the Crew nightclub. We went star ‘gayzing’ up Signal Hill and sampled some amazing wines in the Cape Winelands from Meerlust and Kannonkop to Dieu Donne where we enjoyed a delicious lunch and an even more spectacular view. We drank a lot of pink champagne and we even saw penguins on a day tour to Cape Point.

Our whole hearted thanks goes out to the IGLTA and members who came on the Fam trips – you were an incredible bunch. We cannot wait to continue working with you and look forward to growing our friendships and networks. The next stop is Fort Lauderdale for the IGLTA convention in May 2011 – and what a convention that is going to be! The biggest ever IGLTA convention is expected and we cannot wait to be a part of it.

IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!
IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!
IGLTA Fam Trip to South Africa 2010!

If you would like to find out more about becoming a member of the IGLTA or about booking your luxury safari trip to South Africa then just drop us a line at enquiries@rhinoafrica.com

Here is the IGLTA Fam Trip cast in order of appearance:

Keith W. Hickman
Travel Impressions

Babs Daitch
Thanks Babs Tours

David Hodgkinson
Travel Leaders RI

Sue Bohme
Out Travel

Thomas Nibbio and William Gitchel

Andrew Roberts
Amro Worldwide

Alan Wilkes
Amro Worldwide

Jonathan Klein
Now Voyager

Jay Eisen

Happy Holidays to Y’All and we look forward to seeing you again in 2011!!!

Sunny Christmas in Khayelitsha.

Doing Good
1 comment

Christmas at Khumbulani
Today, as planned, the Rhino Africa KFC (Khumbulani Festive Committee) brought Christmas to Khayelitsha and in Africa we do things a little differently. The KFC caravanned to Khumbulani Daycare Center, cars overflowing with toys that were wrapped in shiny paper and lunch boxes stocked with treats. On arrival we were greeted by a choir of excited children, dressed in their Sunday best, eager to find out what was going on.

Along with friends from Opulent Living Magazine and the IGLTA, our Santa (Rudi the red nosed reindeer) handed out the individual presents to the adorable children

Their good manners and gratitude are a testament to the good work Gloria Bebeza does at Khumbulani! Our thanks and appreciation to all those who were involved in helping Rhino Africa bring some Christmas spirit to the children and caregivers of Khumbalani. Next up on the agenda for Khumbulani is the new building, so watch this space!

Christmas at Khumbulani

A massive thank you to our wonderful clients and suppliers. Through your support, patronage and by simply travelling with Rhino Africa, we are able to make a REAL difference to the lives of these fantastic children.

A special mention to Barbara and Florian from Opulent Living magazine – thank you for joining us and for your generous donation towards Khumbulani. Without all of your support, we would not be able to undertake the work that we do.

Christmas at Khumbulani
Christmas at Khumbulani

The Rhino Africa Safaris Year in Review


A Year in Review

Compliments of the season to you all! And what a year it’s been at Rhino Africa. None of this would have been possible without your amazing support, friendship and patronage and we’d like to pass on our sincere thanks to each of you.

We turned six and David Ryan, our intrepid leader, turned forty. He also underwent pioneering stem cell treatment in Germany. We celebrated in style at the red carpet of event of the year at the Mount Nelson hotel in Cape Town. We cycled 330kms across the Damaraland Desert in Nambia as part of Challenge4aCause and we raised around R800,000 for the Save the Rhino Trust and other charities!

Rhino Africa Safaris 2010

We blew our Vuvuzelas and celebrated a successful FIFA World Cup. We marched in front of Parliament on Rhino Day to raise awareness of rhino poaching, we made the prime time evening news and we launched the first phases of our new Rhino Africa website as well as the Horny Grazer restaurant reviews.

Rhino Africa Safaris 2010

We opened MannaBay at the foot of Table Mountain which has already become a roaring triumph with guests. We welcomed a whole team at MannaBay as well as Ross, Silke, Cathrine and Wanita at Rhino Africa.

Rhino Africa Safaris 2010

We spoke at Indaba, the Truth Debate and the World Travel Market about the importance of sustainable tourism and of supporting local communities. We launched our own Going Green Initiative with Heritage/Green Line and we worked with Cape Town Tourism to welcome the IGLTA to South Africa. We bought a piece of land in Khayelitsha to build two new classrooms for the Khumbulani Day Care Centre and we brought over 15,000 visitors to Africa!

Certainly a year to remember, and we’re looking forward to an even busier 2011!

To thank you all for your fantastic support this year we’re offering you something special this December.

If you complete your booking with Rhino Africa in December 2010, we will give you a $250 discount which you can put towards the cost of your international air fare!*

So don’t delay – offers like this don’t come along very often. Speak to one of our expert consultants immediately to book your dream African holiday…

Happy Holidays Y’All

The Rhino Africa Team

*t&cs apply