All the blocks

1 comment

That’s why you always leave a note! But I bought a yearbook ad from you, doesn’t that mean anything anymore? That’s what it said on ‘Ask Jeeves.’ I’m a monster. Across from where? It’s called ‘taking advantage.’ It’s what gets you ahead in life. I’m half machine. I’m a monster. There’s so many poorly chosen words in that sentence. I hear the jury’s still out on science. Army had half a day.

I am the Doctor, and you are the Daleks!

Barman and whiskey tasting service at andBeyond Ngala Safari Lodge
Smiling faces, sterling service, Image Credit: andBeyond Ngala Safari Lodge

An ordered list with lower case letters

  1. Sorry, checking all the water in this area; there’s an escaped fish.
  2. No… It’s a thing; it’s like a plan, but with more greatness.
  3. I’m the Doctor. Well, they call me the Doctor. I don’t know why. I call me the Doctor too. I still don’t know why.

You’ve swallowed a planet! Stop talking, brain thinking. Hush. No, I’ll fix it. I’m good at fixing rot. Call me the Rotmeister. No, I’m the Doctor. Don’t call me the Rotmeister. All I’ve got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong?

Ordinary Quote – (Ideas for styling)

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.

Mahatma Gandhi

Pull quote – (Ideas for styling)

Resentment is like drinking poison and then hoping it will kill your enemies. May need css

Nelson Mandela

Some more features

Dropdown / Hidden info blocks

These could be useful for FAQs

Cover Element
Meerkats with Jacks camp Botswana

This is a cover
Not sure when or where it would be used

Cover Element

This could link somewhere?

Cols for structuring – Contain a video element and a paragraph element

A lion video

Insistently* Bow ties are cool! Come on Amy, I’m a normal bloke, tell me what normal blokes do! I’m the Doctor. Well, they call me the Doctor. I don’t know why. I call me the Doctor too. I still don’t know why.

This is a details lock

Hidden info

Preformatted Block – (Ideas for styling)
I hate yogurt. It's just stuff with bits in. Saving the world with meals on wheels. You know how I sometimes have really brilliant ideas? All I've got to do is pass as an ordinary human being. Simple. What could possibly go wrong?
Verse block – (Ideas for styling)
Now I begin to know at last,
These nights when I sit down to rhyme,
The form and measure of that vast
God we call Poetry, he who stoops
And leaps me through his paper hoops
A little higher every time.
Code block – (Ideas for styling)
 activeCurrency() {
      let currency = useCurrency().activeCurrency
      let storedCurrency = localStorage.currency;

      //If no active currency is found then set it to $ as default and return
      if (!currency && !storedCurrency) {
        currency = 'usd';

      if (!currency && storedCurrency) {
        currency = storedCurrency;
      return currency
Audio Block
Social Block

This the copy part of the “Media & Text” block. On the left is the media part. It doesn’t have to be an image, it could be a video or an audio file

This is a Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

  • This is a custom html block
  • Super basic but
  • could be useful for once of components

Does Africa Hold the Key to Finding Yourself?

Experiences,Rhino Africa,Safari

Over the past 20 years, we’ve had a wild and wondrous journey of growth and self-discovery! Our two-decade adventure has been a heart-stirring blend with Africa’s spirit. Your stories intertwine with ours, making this celebration all the more special. As we embrace this milestone, let’s revel in how African travels have the power to fuel passions and shape futures.

Woman taking a quiet moment to herself appreciating the views of the wilderness

Our travels across Africa’s stunning vistas have been journeys of personal growth, Image Credit: Londolozi

Pause and Ponder

Take time for yourself. In the hustle of everyday life, the moments of solitude and reflection are scarce. We’ve seen first-hand how Africa’s landscapes offer the perfect backdrop for this introspection.

From the serene savannahs of the Serengeti and Maasai Mara to the rhythmic waves lapping powdery-white sands of the Indian Ocean Islands, Africa is a sanctuary where time seems to stand still, allowing you to press pause and enjoy the moment.

Pores do sol espetaculares são um dado nas Seychelles

Prioritise moments of personal solace in the world’s most sublime spaces like the Seychelles

Choose Your Tempo

Take time to do everything. And to do nothing. Africa, in its boundless diversity, offers endless possibilities. Whether you’re seeking a Big 5 safari or a peaceful retreat in a secluded lodge, our continent entertains every desire.

It’s a place where you can chase the sunrise on a morning safari in the Greater Kruger National Park, enjoy a helicopter flight above the mighty Victoria Falls, or even spend the afternoon sipping sundowners in the quiet company of Madagascar’s lemurs beneath ancient baobab trees. The choice to engage or to unwind is entirely yours.

Elephant sighting while on a game drive

Savour the solitude on a Tarangire National Park safari, Image Credit: Little Chem Chem

Off the Grid, Into the Wild

Take time to switch off. In our digitally-dominated world, disconnecting is a luxury. Inhale the fresh, unpolluted air, listen to the wildlife symphony, and savour evenings where the only luminescence is from the moon and stars.

close up of gorilla and her baby

Find peace in the simplicity of the natural world while gorilla trekking in Rwanda

Venture Boldly

Take time to challenge yourself, to try something new. Africa inspires bravery and curiosity. It’s a land where you can conquer fears and embrace new experiences.

Picture yourself summiting Mount Kilimanjaro, navigating the watery tendrils of the Okavango Delta, dominating the churning rapids of the Zambezi River, or learning the ancient tracking skills from a Maasai warrior. Each exciting endeavour not only challenges the body but also broadens the mind.

Woman paddling in a canoe

Be fearless in trying new things, Image Credit: Kili Villas

Cultural Crossroads

Take time to gain perspective, to be selfless. Travelling through Africa, you’ll encounter diverse cultures and communities. These interactions offer profound lessons in empathy. Understanding their lives, their victories, and their struggles, you gain a newfound appreciation for the human experience.

Engaging with Africa’s people often inspires a deep-seated desire to contribute positively and make a meaningful difference in the world. It’s life-changing – quite literally!

Guest interacting with a village elder

Being understanding and compassionate are qualities that are essential in today’s interconnected world, Image Credit: Wilderness

Life’s Grand Scale

Take time to reflect, to broaden your horizons. The African landscape, with its timeless beauty and indescribable vastness is a mirror reflecting your deepest thoughts and aspirations. It’s where horizons are not just geographical but also personal, expanding your understanding of the world and your place within it.

Wilderness walking safari with Maasai Warrior

Maasai warriors provide amazing insights into wildlife and the land, Image Credit: Tortilis Camp

20 Years of Wild Wonders

Ready to explore new horizons? Whether it’s soul-searching solitude, thrilling safaris, cultural connections, or just unplugging for a while, Africa’s magic awaits you. 

Your journey into the wild, the wonderful, the transformative starts with reaching out to our Travel Experts. Africa is calling. Will you answer?

Featured Image: Ohorongo Tented Camp

Travel to Live, Live to Travel, Travel to Africa!

Experiences,Rhino Africa,Safari
1 comment

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” This profound statement captures the essence of what it means to set out on a journey, especially one to a continent as vibrant and soul-stirring as Africa. Here’s why you, too, should make travel to Africa a priority, not merely a daydream…

Guests enjoying a cultural experience

Find yourself in Africa, a journey beyond the ordinary, Image Credit: One&Only Gorilla’s Nest

Travel Transforms – We Know This Well

At Rhino Africa, we understand that travel is more than just a change of scenery. It’s an invitation to immerse yourself in experiences that are both humbling and enriching. Africa, with its vast landscapes, diverse cultures, and untamed wildlife, offers a rare opportunity to connect with something greater than ourselves.

Uma representação clássica do Parque Nacional Amboseli

The looming mass of Mount Kilimanjaro commands an air of respect

Travel Now

Travel now, we urge you. Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Instead, create it. Africa’s heartbeat is pulsating, its rhythms waiting to sync with yours. Here, you’ll find a world where every sunrise is a promise of new discoveries, and where every sunset reflects the beauty of the day’s journey.

Woman enjoying the sunrise in the wilderness from her private deck

Seize the day in Africa, Image Credit: Royal Malewane

Travel with Passion

Travel with passion, with love. Embrace the warmth of Africa’s people, their smiles as bright as the African sun. Engage with cultures stretching back millennia and learn about a different and deeply familiar way of life. In these connections, you’ll find reflections of humanity that resonate deep within.

Local African women smiling after harvesting some vegetables

Connect deeply with Africa’s rich and remarkable cultures, Image Credit: Karin Schermbrucker

Travel for a Fresh Perspective

Travel to breathe, to explore. Allow the wild beauty of Africa to fill your lungs, to expand your horizons. Witness the grandeur of the Serengeti, the tranquillity of the Okavango Delta, and the majesty of the Victoria Falls. These are not just places on a map; they’re sanctuaries for the soul.

Mokoro safari in the Okavango Delta

Embark on an expedition across Africa, Image Credit: Wilderness Vumbura Plains

Travel to Learn

Travel to learn – about life, about you. Africa has a unique way of teaching invaluable lessons, ones that you carry long after the journey ends. It’s a place where you learn to understand different walks of life and find yourself by getting lost in the wonders of the natural world. 

Travel to Africa

Africa is a classroom without walls, teaching life’s essentials, Image Credit: Lemala Mara Tented Camp

Travel to Dream

Travel to dream, to inspire. Let the stories of Africa fuel your aspirations. Be bold in your pursuits, more present in your experiences, more playful in your adventures. From bustling cities, ruby-red deserts and pearly-white beaches to lush, emerald forests and rolling hills, Africa is a canvas, and you’re the artist, painting memories that will colour your life.

Couple enjoying a sailing excursion in a traditional dhow

We make sure that every journey inspires a masterpiece, Image Credit: &Beyond Mnemba Island Lodge

Just Travel

Travel here. Just travel. Africa is waiting, its arms open wide, ready to embrace you in an experience that’s as profound as it’s exhilarating.

Cheetah cub and mom

A luxury African safari is life-changing

Travel to Africa

We at Rhino Africa are more than just the leading experts in all things luxury African travel. We’re custodians of dreams, guides to the extraordinary. 

Join us in visiting the wildest corners of the world – for Africa is not just a destination – it’s a feeling, a spirit, a connection to the very essence of life.

Featured Image: Shamwari Private Game Reserve

Safari by Starlight: A Night Safari in the African Bush


A shiver races down your spine as the tell-tale cackle of a hyena pierces the night. Your heart starts pounding as, with a flick of the wrist, the safari vehicle roars to life beneath you. Tension fills the air as the deafening roar of a lion signals that the hunt is on… And the hyenas aren’t the only ones out on the prowl tonight. Under the cloak of darkness, lions begin to stir as leopards abandon their trees for more solid ground and the prey that inhabits it. A night safari is the perfect opportunity to see the circle of life in live-action!

One of the more elusive predators of Africa, the black-backed jackal, Image Credit: Simon Hurry

A Whole New World, a New Fantastic Point of View

Contrary to popular belief, a night safari does not equal a nightmare. In theatre terms, when the night sky blankets the African landscape, a full set change is happening with a whole new cast of characters set to make an appearance.

As the sun sets and the temperature drops, lions and the more elusive predators like leopards and hyenas become more active as they prepare for a hunt or patrol their territories for possible invaders.

A night safari also offers the chance to spot the rare “Shy 5,” namely the meerkat, aardvark, porcupine, aardwolf and bat-eared fox. In other words, a safari lit by the glow of the moon adds a completely new dimension to game viewing.

So, buckle up because we’re about to take you for a ride through the best places to experience a night safari!

Are you ready for some night safari magic?, Image Credit: Paul Joynson-Hicks

Don’t Forget to Don Your Night Safari Chic

It’s important that your attire matches the occasion, as a safari chic ensemble helps make the experience all that more enjoyable. Therefore, you should bundle up with a nice cosy jacket, scarf, beanie and gloves. And let’s not forget your toes! Keep them warm with thick socks and a good pair of sturdy closed shoes.

For that extra touch, trade your “eau de parfum” for some “eau de bug banisher”, and you’re ready to go!

Hyenas are far more active at night, Image Credit: Wilderness

All Dressed up and Nowhere to Go…

Now that we’ve covered the why and the what, it’s time for the really fun bit, aka the where! Not all national parks and conservation areas allow for night drives, so it’s important to keep that in mind when choosing your destination.

East Africa vs Southern Africa, that’s the question…?

Exploring East Africa

For the intrepid travellers among you, East Africa is a great choice for a thrilling night safari. Tanzania’s wild and untamed landscape provides an amazing backdrop for a moonlit safari adventure. On the other hand, being amongst Kenya’s vast and beautiful landscape will remind you exactly why it was chosen as the location for “The Lion King”. 

Lions are quite lazy during the day, so the real action happens at night, Image Credit: Wilderness

Captivating Kenya

In Kenya, you have several options when it comes to a night safari. While the Maasai Mara National Reserve does not allow for night safaris, the private concessions here do. Therefore, you should look at going to the Olare Motorogi and Naboisho Conservancies bordering the Massai Mara. 

In Kenya, sightings of lions, elephants, buffalo and hyenas are abundant. And Mahali Mzuri, as well as Naboisho Camp, are excellent options for the chance to witness the classic struggle of predator versus prey.

Tarangire National Park is a mysteriously magnificent setting for night safaris, Image Credit: Ian Cummings

Take on Tanzania

Tanzania’s untamed landscape is a great option to see various African animals in action under the cover of darkness. With luck and a great guide on your side, you could be treated to black rhinos, leopards, lions, crocodiles, giraffes and hippos as they go about their nightly expeditions. 

Oliver’s Camp in Tarangire National Park and Lake Manyara Lodge in the Serengeti National Park are both great options for thrilling night safaris.

Seeing little ones like these cubs is exhilarating on a night safari

Star-lit Safaris in Southern Africa

When it comes to night safaris in Southern Africa, the sky, or in this case, the night sky, is the limit. Countries in Southern Africa are teeming with various habitats and wildlife, setting an excellent stage for a night safari. 

Leopards are one of the most elusive predators in Africa

Bring on Botswana

A night safari in Botswana offers many unexpected twists and turns, from the more sought-after sightings like lions and hyenas to their more seldom-seen castmates. 

Sightings of bushbabies, spring hares, servals, and genets are more common here, with the chance to spy the ever-elusive leopard, pangolin or even an aardwolf or two as they go about their nightly routines. 

Abu Camp in the famed Okavango Delta and Duma Tau Camp in the Linyanti Wildlife Reserve are both well-versed in night safaris and are sure to provide an unforgettable experience.

The Oryx is Namibia’s national animal, Image Credit: African Safari Mag and Luke Stackpoole

Nocturnal Splendour in Namibia

Namibia redefines the idea of a safari by starlight, with the NamibRand Nature Reserve being the only International Dark Sky Reserve in Africa. 

The reserve has little to no impact from light pollution and artificial light. Therefore, the view of the night sky is nothing short of breathtaking. There’s also a diverse range of wildlife you can see amongst the dunes, from antelope such as oryx and kudu. And not to forget about those predators ready to pounce, like the leopard, spotted and brown hyena, black-backed jackal, aardwolf, bat-eared fox, and many more. 

In a nutshell, Namibia is truly a unique destination for a safari, be it under starlight or sunlight. Wolwedans Dune Lodge and Wolwedans Plains Camps are excellent choices for a starlit safari experience. And combined with sundowners in the desert, it’s a match made in safari heaven. 

Leopard in a tree at dusk

Sabi Sand Private Game Reserve is famed for its high population of leopards, Image Credit: Belinda Beale

Star-Studded Safaris in South Africa

No two night safaris in South Africa will ever be the same, as there’s a vast array of wildlife practically on your doorstep.

There’s the possibility of encountering lions, hyenas, rhinos, and the more evasive species such as leopards, cheetahs and African wild dogs. Moreover, you could be treated to guest appearances by some members of the “Shy 5”, such as the aardvark, pangolin, meerkat and porcupine.

Lodges located near and in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve, such as Londolozi and Silvan Safari, are great choices to guide you through the moonlit landscapes.

Sleepout deck at Little Makalolo, Image Credit: Wilderness Little Makalolo

Zen and Zeal in Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe, specifically Hwange National Park, creates an exciting atmosphere to scour the woodlands and plains in search of predators and their prey. Keep your eyes peeled for the rare roan and sable antelope species and the leopards, cheetahs and African wild dogs that hunt them. 

Hwange is particularly well known for its large population of elephants. So, if lady luck is not on your side for some exciting predator sightings, watching these gentle giants is by no means merely a consolation prize. 

Little Makalolo Camp is a wonderful choice for a night safari experience as they also offer the chance to sleep under the stars with the sounds of the bush lulling you to sleep. 

On a night game drive at Little Makalolo Camp in Hwange National Park

A night safari game drive with Little Makalolo Camp is always an exciting experience, Image Credit: Wilderness

Book Your Night Safari With The Best

A night safari in Africa is a unique and thrilling experience that will give you plenty of memories to cherish and stories to tell for years to come. 

But don’t let your safari become a logistical or stressful nightmare. Instead, let our Travel Experts craft an African itinerary you’ll never forget! As the World’s Best Safari Company, you can rest assured you’ll be in the best hands.

FAQs About African Safaris

Rhino Africa,Safari,Travel Tips

As remarkable and mysterious as our continent is, it’s only natural that there will be FAQs about African safaris. And at Rhino Africa, we’re all about embracing this wild side and leading you through your rabbit hole of peculiar ponderings. So, let’s delve into some of the most common queries and sprinkle a bit of zest into your safari planning.

Female game ranger

We’ll guide you through all your FAQs about African safaris, Image Credit: Dunia Camp

1. Is an African Safari Worth it?

When it comes to FAQs about African safaris, this is probably the easiest one to answer! An African safari is not just a vacation. It’s an immersive journey that transports you deep into the heart of nature. An escape from the urban sprawl and corporate confines, here the rhythm of life is set by the rising and setting of the sun, with every moment being a revelation and every encounter with wildlife a brush with the extraordinary.

Guests enjoying drinks and snacks sitting on the shallow waters of the river at sunset

An exclusive safari experience in an unspoilt environment, Image Credit: Zungulila Bushcamp

What sets an African safari apart from any other holiday is the sheer diversity and abundance of wildlife. It’s a place where you can witness the majestic Big 5, go gorilla trekking, marvel at the Great Wildebeest Migration, and observe countless other species in their natural habitats.

Lion hunting wildebeest

Experience the thrill of Africa’s wildlife

Moreover, it allows you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the cultures and traditions of the people who call these wildlands home. You can dine under the stars, listen to tales of tribal folklore, or visit local villages to gain insights into a way of life intimately connected to the land.

So, to put it succinctly, is an African safari worth it? Absolutely, positively, unequivocally – it most certainly is!

Walking safari with Maasai naturalist

Discover the wonders of Kenya’s wilderness on foot with traditional Maasai naturalists, Image Credit: Angama Mara

2. Which Country is Best for Your African Safari?

When deciding on your ultimate African safari destination, it’s all about what tickles your adventure bone…

For a Classic Big 5 Safari

If you’re itching for an encounter with Africa’s most esteemed wildlife personalities, namely those iconic A-listers (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhino), look no further than South AfricaKenyaTanzania, or Zimbabwe.

Elephant sighting while on a game drive

Seeing the Big 5 is a highlight for any wildlife enthusiast, Image Credit: Little Chem Chem

For a Great Migration Safari

Witness the mother of all wildlife migrations in Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park and Kenya’s Maasai Mara National Reserve – it’s a never-ending cycle, influenced by the East African climate and a constant quest for better grazing spots. 

A Great Migration river-crossing

The Great Migration is a testament to nature’s resilience and majesty

For a Water-Based Safari

For an African safari that seamlessly combines both land and water-based adventures, look no further than the Okavango Delta in Botswana. Here, you can explore meandering waterways, marshes and rivers, either by boat or mokoro (traditional dugout canoe), immersing yourself in the pristine beauty of this unique ecosystem.

Mokoro Safari in the Okavango Delta

The Okavango presents exciting water-based game-viewing opportunities, Image Credit: Linyanti Bush Camps

Additionally, the majestic Victoria Falls and the Zambezi River, which forms a natural border between Zimbabwe and Zambia, are also amazing destinations for an African safari that incorporates both land and water safari adventures!

Una excelente manera de relajarse y disfrutar de la espectacular belleza de Zambezi

A great way to relax and enjoy the spectacular beauty of the Zambezi, Image Credit: Royal Chundu

For a Walking Safari

There are many incredible places to add a walking safari to your bucket list dreams, but our top pick has to be South Luangwa National Park in Zambia. South Luangwa is renowned as the birthplace of the walking safari and invites you to embrace your pioneering spirit and take a walk on the wild side. 

Guests on a walking safari viewing elephants

Going on walking African safari is one of our favourite ways to experience the wilderness, Image Credit: Nkwali Camp

For Gorilla Trekking 

For a truly exceptional and intimate encounter with our primate cousins, few experiences rival the thrill of gorilla trekking. When it comes to this remarkable adventure, the top spots that immediately spring to mind are Volcanoes National Park in Rwanda and the Odzala-Kokoua National Park in the Republic of Congo.

Close-up of a gorilla in Rwanda at Singita Kwitonda,

Rwanda is home to some of the world’s last remaining populations of mountain gorillas, Image Credit: Singita Kwitonda

3. What’s the Price of an African safari?

The budget for your African safari extravaganza is like a safari itself – diverse! It’s a wild mix influenced by your chosen destination, duration, group size, and your appetite for extraordinary experiences. We’re talking ballpark figures of anywhere from $150 to $3000 per person per night.

For a precise safari savings plan, hop onto our website, where we have a treasure trove of tailor-made safari tours to help you discover pricing particulars that match your wildest dreams.

Leopard in the wild

Africa is brimming with all sorts of wildlife surprises

4. How Much to Tip Your Safari Guides?

Tipping is a way to express gratitude and show appreciation as you explore nature’s wonders. While the exact tip amounts can be as elusive as a leopard in tall grass, a typical safari tip tipple lands somewhere around $10 to $20 per person per day for your guide and about $5 to $10 per person per day for the camp crew. 

But remember, the tribal law of tipping varies from camp to lodge, so it’s always wise to check with your dedicated Travel Expert before making it “rain”. For more clarity on tipping culture, take a look at our Guide to Tipping in Africa.

Silvan Butlers pouring drinks on a game drive.

The staff at safari lodges collectively make your stay as magical as possible

5. When’s the Prime Time for an African Safari?

When plotting your African safari, a dash of reconnaissance can save you from unexpected plot twists. Imagine arriving in Tanzania, all set for the Great Migration, only to discover that the star-studded cast is still taking their bows over in Kenya. Not ideal!

Nomad Serengeti Safari Camp

We will be your guides to make sure you don’t miss out on any of the action, Image Credit: Nomad Tanzania

What you should keep in mind is the switch between dry and wet seasons in different regions. Dry seasons are prime for animal sightings due to sparse vegetation and limited water sources, while wet or green seasons bring lush landscapes, animal births, fewer crowds, and some pocket-friendly deals. 

When it boils down to it, it all depends on your desired safari style and destination. For a deeper dive into the safari scheduling matrix, check out our ultra-handy African Travel Calendar

Herd of zebra and wildebeest seen on a game drive

Millions of wildebeest, followed by gazelle and zebra, make their way through the Serengeti, Image Credit: Serengeti Bushtops Camp

We’ll be Your Safari Sherpas

Planning an African safari isn’t just about maps and itineraries; it’s about embracing the wild with open arms and a dash of audacious curiosity. However, we do have all the answers to your FAQs about African safaris if you need them! 

For tailored insights to your questions and a personalised safari experience, get in touch with us today, and let’s start planning! 

Everything’s Bigger in Africa


When it comes to going big, Africa doesn’t do things by halves. Texas may boast that “everything is bigger” there, but Africa takes that claim to a whole new level. From colossal dunes to mighty rivers and gigantic waterfalls to the world’s biggest wildlife, Africa is a playground for those seeking larger-than-life experiences. Join us on a journey through the biggest and best of Africa.

Big Daddy Dune – Namibia

Dunes in Sossusvlei, Namibia

The famous Sossusvlei dunes are a must-see on your luxury safari in Nambia

Our extra-large African adventure starts by conquering Big Daddy Dune, found within the otherworldly landscapes of Namibia’s Sossusvlei. Towering at over 1,000 feet, this colossal dune is the highest in the world. As you ascend, you’ll be rewarded with sweeping vistas of endless desert plains and the mesmerising Deadvlei, a surreal white clay pan dotted with ancient, skeletal trees. The climb might be tough, but the view from the top is worth every sandy step of the way.

Zambezi River – The Lifeline of Africa

The Zambezi River in Zambezi National Park

The Zambezi River is the fourth-longest in Africa, Image Credit: Victoria Falls River Lodge

Next up, we have the mighty Zambezi River, Southern Africa’s lifeline. The Zambezi is a massive artery that winds through six countries, including Zambia and Zimbabwe. It’s a river that commands respect for its sheer size and power, providing life to countless animals and communities along its banks. A stop along the Zambezi offers a front-row view of Africa’s vibrant wildlife, from herds of elephants quenching their thirst to mighty hippos and crocodiles basking in the sun. And if that’s not enough, our next supersized stop also happens to be on its course.

Victoria Falls – The Smoke That Thunders

Rainbow over Victoria Falls

Victoria Falls is the largest sheet of falling water in the world

Our next showstopper is the world’s largest waterfall, Victoria Falls. Often referred to as “The Smoke that Thunders,” the Zambezi plunges into a mile-wide chasm that forms the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia with a deafening roar and sends misty spray into the air that can be seen from miles away. Twice as high and wide as Niagara Falls, this marvel of nature is one of the most breathtaking sights on the African continent. And if anything says “Africa is bigger”, it’s Victoria Falls.

Giant Animals – From Shore to Sea

An elephant in Chobe National Park

An elephant stands on the horizon in Botswana’s Chobe Region

If that’s not big enough for you, there’s even more coming right up. Africa is home to some of the largest land animals on Earth, and encountering them in the wild is a truly monumental experience. Giraffes, the tallest creatures on the planet, tower above the savannah, gracefully reaching for the canopy in national parks like the world-famous Maasai Mara in Kenya. Humongous hippos call rivers and waterholes their home, yawning to display their substantial tusks to all who venture too close. Even Africa’s oceans are filled with colossal creatures. Whether it’s whale watching or diving with the world’s biggest sharks, the giants of the ocean are all in attendance around Africa’s coastline.

The Big 5 – Africa’s Crown Jewels

Leopard climbing a tree

Seeing a leopard is a highlight on any safari

If you’re not convinced by now that bigger is better, we’ve saved the best for last. When it comes to African safaris, it’s all about the “Big 5.” These are the most sought-after and iconic animals, namely the lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo, and rhinoceros. Tracking them down in their natural habitats is on millions of bucket lists worldwide. From the Serengeti of TanzaniaSouth Africa’s Kruger National Park, or Botswana’s Okavango Delta, the excitement of spending time with these majestic creatures in the wild is simply beyond measure.

Naturally, Everything is Bigger in Africa

So, if you’re seeking experiences embodying the spirit of “everything is bigger,” there’s nowhere better than Africa. From dramatic dunes and rushing rivers to awe-inspiring waterfalls and massive wildlife, Africa offers an epic scale of natural wonders that will leave you with larger-than-life memories that last a lifetime.

Tropical forest and marsh with meandering waterways

A tropical rainforest bursting at the seams with fauna and flora, Image Credit: Lango Camp

Book Your Big Adventure in Africa Today

At Rhino Africa, we specialise in crafting bespoke, luxury African adventures that allow you to explore the continent’s grandeur in style. Contact us today to embark on a journey to the land where everything is truly “Bigger in Africa.”

36 Reasons Why You Should Never Travel to Africa

Photography & Videos,Special Features,Top Lists

Are you planning on travelling to Africa? Naaah, rather save your money and avoid life-chaning experiences that you will cherish forever. Who needs those?! As the World’s Best Safari Company, we know that it’s reeeeally not worth it. Not at all. But have a look yourself 😉


  1. So some people like to believe Africa is some kind of special place.
    Serengeti Sunset in Africa
  2. But those people are dreaming.

    African Elephants Walking Under A Rainbow
    Image credit: Beverley Joubert
  3. It’s not even mildly pretty.

    Zebras Wading Through Water in Botswana
    Image credit: Linyanti & Selinda
  4. The sunsets are mediocre at best.

    Londolozi Founders Camp - Rangers at Sunset
    Image credit: Londolozi Founders Camp
  5. There’s absolutely nothing breathtaking to see here.
    Aerial View of Reunion Island
  6. No impressive landscapes.
    Oryx Standing on a Dune in Namibia
  7. And no remarkable animals.
    Baby Gorilla with mother in Uganda
  8. You can’t even get that close to them, anyway.

    Elephant in front of two people at Old Mondoro Lodge (Photo by Marsel van Oosten)
    Photo Credit: Old Mondoro Lodge
  9. The birds are just OK.
    Bald Eagle and Martial Eagle in Africa
  10. All the animals are basically the same.
    Lemur Climbing a Tree in Madagascar
  11. You call this a big cat? Oh Africa, please.
    Lion on a Misty Morning in Sabi Sand
  12. The trees are stupid.
    Baobab Trees in Madagascar
  13. I mean Namibia is mostly sand.
    Sossusvlei in Namibia
  14. And Botswana is mostly water – suppose that’s expected in the world’s biggest inland delta though.

    A mokoro trip in Botswana
    Image credit: Okavango Expeditions
  15. Victoria Falls might be the largest waterfall in the world, but who likes tons of cascading water in an exceptional setting?
    Victoria Falls Zimbabwe
  16. And Kilimanjaro might be the biggest freestanding mountain in the world, but who wants that snow-covered giant as your backdrop?
    An elephant with Mount Kilimanjaro in the background
  17. The Serengeti is way too big.
    The wildebeest roam the Serengeti
  18. And those Indian Ocean islands are way too small.
    Island in the Maldives
  19. But this one is too big.
  20. There is no history.
    Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt - Sam valadi
  21. And no famous icons.
    nelson-mandela-African icon
  22. It has close to no traditions.

    Himba tribe in Namibia
    Image credit: Tee La Rosa
  23. There’s never anything to do.

    View of the Great Migration on horseback
    Image credit; Art of Safari
  24. You can’t even find a good place to eat.

    Benguerra Island in Mozambique
    Image credit: Benguerra Island
  25. Let alone somewhere good for a drink.

    Chobe Under Canvas dinner and drinks, Botswana
    Image credit: Chobe Under Canvas
  26. And stargazing is not even a thing.
    Stargazing Okavango Delta in Botswana
  27. The children aren’t even friendly.

    Friendly School Children Uganda
    Image credit: USAID
  28. The cities are nothing special.
    City of Cape Town Aerial View
  29. The houses are dull.

    The colourful Bo Kaap in Cape Town
    Image credit: Stephan JVV
  30. And so are the roadsides.
    Ostriches in South Africa background of Canola
  31. Honestly, where is the thrill in this?
    Hot Air Ballooning Serengeti National Park in Tanzania
  32. Or this?

    Great White Shark Breach near Cape Point
    Image credit: Chris Brunskill
  33. Damn open fields.

    Maasai warrior walking Maasai Mara National Park Kenya
    Image credit: Elephant Pepper Camp and Cheli & Peacock
  34. Told you those sunsets were mediocre.

    Sunset showing Giraffe In Maasai Mara Kenya
    Image credit: Dana Allen
  35. I’d rather watch a Friends re-run.
    A cheetah in a tree
  36. Seriously, why would anyone want to visit Africa?
    Elephants walking in the grasslands
  37. Okay, we joke. Obviously, you should come to Africa! Did you not see the photos above? If you’re thinking about it or would like to know more, just contact our Travel Experts today and we’ll put you on the path to the most wonderful places of Africa.

Africa’s Big 5 and Where to See Them on Safari


While Africa’s Big 5 is surely in need of no introduction, it makes sense for us to give credit where credit is due. As the most famous and celebrated collection of animals on the African continent, a Big 5 safari is on everyone’s safari bucket list. What could be better than seeing a leopard in a tree, a rhino browsing through the bush, elephants on their stately trudge through grassland, buffalo and their oxpecker companions and lions – the King of them all? Here’s a look at Africa’s Big 5 and the best destinations to see them all.

Family of lions resting on a small hill

Seeing Africa’s Big 5 is a safari-must for all travellers!

Africa’s Big 5

Here are all the usual Big 5 suspects you’d want to see on safari.


Our Big 5 adventure begins with the African elephant, the largest land animal on Earth. These gentle giants roam the wild savannas, captivating all lucky to witness their sheer size and beauty. Observing them in their natural habitat, whether they’re peacefully foraging or playfully splashing in watering holes, is not something you’ll soon forget. Plus, the intricate social dynamics of these majestic creatures are sure to leave you in awe.

Uma representação clássica do Parque Nacional Amboseli

Africa’s largest land mammal is small in comparison to Africa’s highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro


Next on our journey is the King of “Jungle”, the mighty lion. With their regal manes and thunderous roars, these apex predators embody pure strength and majesty. Picture yourself on an early morning game drive, witnessing a pride as they lazily bask in the sun or embark on a strategic hunt. The lion’s presence is both exhilarating and humbling, reminding us why they’re revered as the ultimate symbol of Africa’s untamed wilderness.

Portrait of a beautifulmale lion

The King of the “Jungle” in all his regal glory, Image Credit: Seyms Brugger


Slipping silently through the bush, the most elusive member of the Big 5, the leopard, is a true master of stealth. These enigmatic big cats possess a unique beauty characterised by their distinctive rosette-patterned coats. Their exquisite camouflage and agile movements make them notoriously difficult to spot. However, when luck is on your side, witnessing a leopard gracefully perched in a tree or skillfully stalking its prey is a mesmerising experience. These nocturnal creatures are a testament to the captivating secrets hidden within Africa’s vast landscapes.

Leopard in a Silvan summer landscape

The most elusive member of the Big 5 in all its spotted glory


As we venture deeper into the wild, we encounter the formidable buffalo, a member of Africa’s Big 5 that exudes pure strength and resilience. With their massive horns and imposing presence, these bovines display an intimidating presence, making them one of the most fascinating and dangerous animals in Africa. Observing their social dynamics and display of guardianship towards one another is a humbling experience.

A large buffalo stares straight at the camera after he is snapped

Believe it or not, the buffalo is the most dangerous member of the Big 5


The Big 5 wouldn’t be complete without these real-life unicorns. The rhino, our namesake, holds a special place in our hearts. Poised and powerful, these magnificent creatures symbolise Africa’s conservation battles. Witnessing their armoured bodies’ strength and their tender moments in family units evokes both adoration and a pang of sadness. Seeing a rhino in the wild is a testament to conservation efforts and a poignant reminder of the urgent need to protect these magnificent creatures.

Lone rhino standing in the tall savanna grass

We may be biased, but the rhino is probably our favourite member of the Big 5

Our Favourite Big 5 Safari Destinations

This illustrious and majestic menagerie of wildlife can be found in several African countries, but we know the very best places to see them.

South Africa







Majestic elephant at a watering hole

The gentle giants of the African bush

Are You Ready for Your Big 5 Safari?

The Big 5 reign supreme as Africa’s most iconic wildlife. While some may argue that giraffes and zebras possess greater beauty than buffaloes or that cheetahs may be easier to spot than leopards, there’s no denying the unrivalled excitement of witnessing any member of the Big 5 roaming freely in their natural habitat.

Join us on an unforgettable safari adventure and witness the magic of the Big 5 for yourself.

All-Inclusive Safari Costs Unpacked

Safari,Travel Tips

On the hunt for an all-inclusive safari escapade in Africa? A wild retreat teeming with exotic creatures without any sneaky predators lurking in the form of unexpected charges? Look no further, dear adventurer! As the World’s Best Safari Company, we create luxury safari itineraries with just about everything under the sun. So then, what does the cost of your all-inclusive safari with us cover?

Bem-vindo ao seu próprio paraíso privado da vida selvagem

Luxury lodges that have it all, Image Credit: Belmond Khwai River Lodge


Yes, your accommodation is covered. We know how important it is to have a luxurious, safe place to rest after a day of exploring the beauty of the wilderness. We wouldn’t dream of sending you out into the wild without a cosy not-so-little nook to call your own, complete with all the necessary amenities and a plush bed fit for royalty!

Elegant safari living at Sabora Tented Camp, Image Credit: Singita

Food and Drinks

Generally, on an all-inclusive safari, all your meals, snacks, water, tea and coffee, and selected beverages (normally local brand alcoholic drinks) are provided. You better believe that on an all-inclusive safari, we’ve got you covered from breakfast to dinner, snacks to sips. So, prepare for a food coma because we’ll feed you a lot!

A light lunch at SIlvan Safari in the Sabi Sand Game Reserve

Ignite all the senses with the tastes of Silvan Safari 

Flights and Transfers

When you book a luxury safari itinerary with us, we do everything to make your travel arrangements as comfortable as possible. All those pesky domestic and regional flights and transfers? Covered. We’re the logistics wizards that will ensure you won’t be left high and dry. Sit back, relax and focus on the breathtaking scenery, the wildlife, and the once-in-a-lifetime experiences that await you.

Flying over the Okavango Delta, Image Credit: Wilderness Air

Safari Activities

Yes, all standard game drives are usually included too, but some lodges offer bespoke experiences as optional extras that incur an additional cost. For example, just imagine drifting above the savannah in a hot air balloon, sleeping under the stars in a treehouse, or really getting to know Mother Nature by going fly camping. These offbeat adventures are just some of the extras on offer!

Twice-daily game drives are just the start, Image Credit: Royal Malewane

Spa Treatments

No, spa treatments are not included. But fret not – it’s worth the splurge! Luxury lodges offer a sensational selection of lavish spa indulgences that will have you feeling like a million bucks. Also, these treatments are charged straight to your room, so you can ditch your wallet while getting your nails, face, or muscles pampered to perfection.

Silvan Safari Ansellia Spa hot stone massage

Heal your mind, body and soul with sumptuous spa treatments


No, souvenirs are not included. Unfortunately, the addition of complimentary souvenirs in your all-inclusive safari package is about as likely as a giraffe riding a unicycle! Alas, you will have to rely on your purse and pockets to acquire those treasured trinkets and mementoes from your wild and adventurous journey. However, that being said, some luxury lodges do leave you a little something on your bed to welcome you…

Lodge boutiques feature a wide range of items sourced from local artisans, Image Credit: andBeyond


No, gratuities are not included. These are “en vogue” in African culture, so don’t be caught slipping when it comes to tipping! However, don’t feel obligated either – you only tip if the experience left you feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. And don’t stress. We’ll give you the lowdown on the going rate for gratuities before you jet off! Plus, we’ve compiled this guide to tipping to prepare you for what to expect.


Guests experience are the ultimate priority of the team at Silvan Safari

Your All-Inclusive Safari Unpacked




Spa treatments

Meals, snacks and selected beverages


All regional and domestic flights and transfers as booked


All standard game-viewing and cultural activities

Additional experiences

Queen Elizabeth II erfuhr in Kenia vom Tod ihres Vaters und wurde Königin

Dive into African culture while on safari, Image Credit: Sanctuary Retreats

Your All-Inclusive Safari Awaits!

Look no further. Our all-inclusive safari packages have all the must-haves and lavish features of your African escapade. From snazzy lodgings and gourmet eats to flights and transfers, we’ve got your back so you can relax and relish the fauna, landscapes, and culture of Africa. Get in touch with our savvy Travel Experts today!

POV: You’re Going on a Luxury Safari


A luxury safari in Africa is an experience like no other. Just imagine being in the middle of the vast savannah teeming with wildlife, venturing out on game drives and guided bush walks to get up close and personal with some of the most incredible animals on our planet. From majestic elephants towering above you to fierce lions and graceful giraffes, there’s so much to gape at in wonder. But a luxury safari isn’t just about the wildlife – it’s also about the opulent accommodations and personalised service that make your trip truly unforgettable. POV: You’re going on a luxury safari – and here are some of our favourite snaps to show you what you can expect…


Leopard in a tree on a game drive safari at Londolozi

A luxury safari and incredible wildlife sightings go hand in hand, Image Credit: Londolozi

Spotting a leopard in a tree is a majestic and graceful sight. Although they are famously elusive, you can see many in Southern Africa, especially at Sabi Sand Game Reserve. With their sleek and powerful bodies, these big cats are perfectly adapted to life in the trees. Their spotted coats provide camouflage, allowing them to blend seamlessly into the dappled sunlight filtering through the leaves, so be sure to keep your eyes peeled when on safari! 


Man and woman looking at view from Silvan's pool

A couple admiring the sunset views from Silvan Safari’s main deck

There are many luxury safari lodges in Africa to stay at. One of our personal favourites is Silvan Safari, where you can spend hours just lounging on the spacious decks. Many of the lodges here are specifically designed to give you a view from nearly every room, which even includes your bathtub! Just think of all the incredible Instagram photos you could take…


Bush breakfasts at Silvan Safari

Bush breakfasts are a highlight on your luxury safari in Africa

At our favourite luxury lodges, the staff will set up a feast in the middle of the bush to give you the best setting for your first meal of the day. A private bush breakfast with a personal chef is a truly unique and intimate dining experience you’ll cherish forever. And the fresh African air just has a way of making everything taste better!


bush walk activities at Londolozi

Exploring the pristine wilderness on foot, Image Credit: Londolozi

Led by experienced guides, a safari bush walk provides a unique opportunity to see the wildlife and natural beauty of the region up close. What we love about it is that it allows you to notice the smaller details of the bush, from a spoor left by a caracal to the dung beetle crossing your path. With no engine running, you can also hear and smell everything.


See lions in their natural habitat

Majestic lions in their natural habitat, Image Credit: &Beyond

Seeing lions on a safari game drive is sure to be a highlight of any safari trip. It’s one of the most requested animals to see on safari for a reason. These powerful and majestic creatures look like they belong in a shampoo commercial with their glossy manes and are a reminder of the incredible beauty and diversity of the African wilderness. Watching their fierce felines hunt is also something for the books.


View of the Sands River from the Private Granite Suites elevated deck

Londolozi’s Private Granite Suites main area, Image Credit: Londolozi

The beautiful Londolozi Private Granite Suites in the heart of the Sabi Sand Game Reserve is a true gem, offering guests a luxury safari experience like no other. It’s the perfect place to escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and reconnect with nature. In fact, we know of a couple of celebrities who have chosen this as their honeymoon destination…


silvan safari exterior main pool

A true oasis of luxury and relaxation at Silvan Safari

Whether you want to swim laps or simply lie back and relax, the pool at Silvan Safari is the perfect place to do so in style. Plus, the pool also offers stunning views of the surrounding area and is famous for being the longest pool in all of Sabi Sand. You might even get some surprise visitors from the wildlife, like our elephants dipping their trunks into the pool for a drink before they continue on.


silvan safari activities game drive wildlife giraffe

Out-of-this-world experiences like this await you in Africa.

When staying at a luxury safari lodge, you’ll love your safari guide and tracker. They add a layer of insight and humour, and their expert wildlife-spotting skills make each game drive uniquely memorable.


safari vehicle game drive kwandwee south africa

Experience the beauty and majesty of Africa’s wildlife

One of the most iconic and beloved animals that you may encounter on a luxury safari game drive is the elephant. You’ll be struck by their incredible size and grace, which has given them the nickname “Gentle Giants”. If you visit in summer, you might see some adorable baby ellies trying to find their balance and ever-curious about what us humans get up to.


couple romance on safari

Proposal setting of your dreams

A romantic setting on safari would likely involve a secluded and peaceful location, surrounded by the beauty and majesty of the African wilderness. It’s a popular request to set up a romantic proposal setting for guests at luxury safari lodges, and we could not think of anywhere better to pop the question than in the bush with wildlife as your witnesses.


woman standing next to a bathtub outside

Every detail is meticulously curated just for you, Image Credit: Londolozi

We told you that even the bathtubs have views… Now imagine soaking in a tub with a glass of bubbly, surrounded by the beauty of the African wilderness. The sound of birds chirping and animals nearby create a magical atmosphere that will have you smiling from ear to ear. That’s pure luxury!


Feel like you’re on top of the world, Image Credit: Phinda Private Game Reserve

End your day with sundowners in a special setting lit by lanterns. This will be one of your favourite parts of the day, and as day slips into night, an entirely different wildlife cast comes out to play. If you stay at a private game reserve, you can stay out after dark to continue your game drive and see what nocturnal animals emerge from the bushes.


disembark a jet plane on safari

The perfect luxury way to travel in style

When you’re travelling to the wilderness that is Africa’s bush, you don’t have to rough it. We believe our guests should always travel in style, and our luxury fly-in safaris will deliver you right to the private airstrips close to your safari lodge. Bonus: your safari starts early as you can see if you can spot any wildlife from the sky!

Come and Experience a Luxury Safari in Africa

Family holiday, special birthday celebration, planning to propose or just looking for a romantic escape? Whatever the occasion, if you’re looking for the ultimate luxury holiday, look no further than Africa.

Our continent is home to some of the most breathtaking landscapes and incredible wildlife in the world. And a luxury safari is an experience you’ll never forget! Our Travel Experts are ready to tailor-make your dream safari. Contact us today, and let’s start planning.

African Travel in January: Where to Go

Travel Tips

African travel in January presents a dazzling display of lush green hues, making it a prime time for safari adventures. The weather does a little shimmy, opening up prime chances to witness some of Africa’s most awe-inspiring wildlife events. If you want to dodge the rain entirely, East Africa is a fantastic choice. But if you don’t mind a little spittle, Southern Africa is a true masterpiece, with spine-tingling sunsets and adorable baby animals peppering the grassy plains. Here’s where to go and what to see…

Two lion cubs

Summer brings an array of baby animals

1. Cape Town, South Africa

In January, Cape Town in South Africa is the perfect destination for those seeking adventure, nature, food, and fun. The weather is perfect, with long, warm days and balmy evenings. Additionally, the surrounding Cape Winelands perfectly complements the vibrant city. Come see for yourself why Cape Town is the place to be in January!

View of the dock and boats at the V&A Waterfront

Table Mountain overlooking the bustling V&A Waterfront

Our Favourite Property: The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa

The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa is the envy of Cape Town, and for good reason! This award-winning, five-star retreat is located at the foot of the majestic Twelve Apostles mountain range and overlooks the Atlantic Ocean. In other words, it’s the ideal place to unwind and let all your worries melt away during your African travel in January.

Sunset view over the Atlantic ocean

One of the most enviable positions in Cape Town, Image Credit: The Twelve Apostles Hotel and Spa

2. Garden Route, South Africa

The Garden Route in South Africa is an unparalleled destination in January. Not only is the weather warm and inviting, but the scenery is absolutely stunning, and there’s plenty to do too. So, pack your swimsuits, hiking boots, and sense of adventure because this is one summer vacation destination you don’t want to miss! Trust us, the beaches are to die for, the forests are lush and vibrant, and the wildlife is simply amazing. In addition, with all the fun activities and attractions, you’ll never get bored. 

A meandering road engulfed by lush forest

South Africa’s own “Garden of Eden”

Our Favourite Property: Birkenhead House

Birkenhead House in Hermanus is one of our favourites found along the Garden Route. Located on a clifftop overlooking Walker Bay, a top whale-watching spot, this beach house blends five-star luxury with laid-back vibes. From the hotel deck, you’ll have front-row seats to the action. And, as an added bonus, two of Hermanus’ best beaches are just a short walk away.

Birkenhead House's unique cliff-top position overlooks Walker Bay's whale watching paradise

A unique cliff-top position overlooking Walker Bay’s whale watching paradise, Image Credit: Birkenhead House

3. Makgadikgadi Pans, Botswana

African Travel in January is a fantastic time to visit the Makgadikgadi Pans. The migrating animals are in full swing, and the pans are filled with water, creating a lush and vibrant landscape. Here, you can take in the stunning scenery and witness the incredible migration of zebras and a myriad of other wildlife. This once-in-a-lifetime experience will leave you with unforgettable memories and a greater appreciation for the beauty of Africa.

Horse safari amongst zebras

Rain transforms the pans into a feast for zebras passing through, Image Credit: Jack’s Camp

Our Favourite Property: Jack’s Camp

Immerse yourself in the serene and untamed beauty of the Makgadikgadi Pans National Park at Jack’s Camp. A true oasis in the desert, this luxurious safari camp transports you back to the golden age of exploration and adventure. Hailed as one of the world’s most exclusive and extraordinary desert vacation destinations by the likes of Condé Nast Traveller and Jeremy Clarkson, a visit to Jack’s Camp promises to awaken your senses and inspire your soul. 

Luxury safari tent interior

One of the world’s most extreme desert vacation destinations, Image Credit: Jack’s Camp

4. Southern Serengeti, Tanzania

The Southern Serengeti is bursting with new life as the wildebeest give birth to thousands of calves each day. With the short rainy season providing sweet grass for grazing, the herds are able to thrive and prepare for the next leg of their Great Migration. However, they must also be on guard against the region’s fearsome predators who are on the hunt. From the majestic lions to cunning jackals and hyena clans, the Serengeti is a true showcase of the circle of life in action. If you want to witness this awe-inspiring spectacle, a safari in January is the perfect time to visit.

Grazing wildebeest in green grass

The Great Migration starts settling down in the Southern Serengeti in January

Our Favourite Property: Nasikia Mobile Camp

Nasikia Mobile Camp invites adventurous guests to witness the awe-inspiring Great Migration from its two prime locations. In January, Nasikia sets up camp in a small marsh, where you can watch wildebeest roam the Serengeti’s verdant plains. And if you’re lucky, you may even have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see new life enter the world during the calving season. And with so many vulnerable newborns around, predators are plentiful too!

Main area of Nasikia Mobile Migration Camp

Nasikia follows the Great Migration throughout the year, Image Credit: Nasikia Mobile Camp

5. Zanzibar, Tanzania

Escape the cold and dreary winter in the northern hemisphere and experience the warmth and beauty of East Africa. A great addition to a Serengeti safari and the crown jewel of Tanzania’s coastal treasures, Zanzibar offers stunning beaches, fascinating historical sites, and world-class snorkelling and scuba diving. We suggest you end your Tanzania safari with a dreamy beach holiday in Zanzibar and discover one of the finest African destinations in January.

Pristine Zanzibar beach with thatch umbrellas and sun loungers

White sandy beaches with twinkling turquoise seas, Image Credit: Zuri Zanzibar Hotel and Resort

Our Favourite Property: Zuri Zanzibar Hotel and Resort

Zuri, meaning “beautiful” in Swahili, truly captures the essence of the 12-hectare micro-universe of Zuri Zanzibar Hotel and Resort. Experience the island’s diversity, from lush forests to crystal-clear beaches, as you relax in the luxury of this luxurious resort. Sip a cocktail by the infinity pool, surrounded by bohemian-inspired décor and serene colours. Here, you can truly escape and find sanctuary in this stunning island getaway.

Viewing deck overlooking beach, palm trees and ocean

Designed to be the ultimate beach utopia, Image Credit: Zuri Zanzibar Hotel and Resort

Let’s Start Planning Your African Travel in January

African travel in January is the perfect time for a safari adventure. Lush landscapes and cute baby animals make it a prime time to witness some of Africa’s most awe-inspiring wildlife events. Cape Town, the Garden Route, and Zanzibar offer beautiful destinations with luxurious accommodations, pristine nature, and stunning beaches. 

So, pack your bags, touch base with our Travel Experts, and head to Africa for an unforgettable January vacation!

Travelling to Africa with Children

Safari,Travel Tips

A luxury African safari will, without a doubt, be one of the most memorable experiences of your lifetime, from the sweeping landscape to the unique sights and sounds. But one question our guests frequently ask is, “What if I have young children?”. We understand your apprehension, and it may sound surprising, but safaris are one of the best holidays for families! Let us reveal why bringing your children on safari is a great idea.

L'Afrique du Sud en famille.

The memories made on a family safari will last a lifetime

Why Should I Bring My Children on a Safari in Africa?

Naturally, many parents are concerned about taking young children on safari in Africa because, after all, you’ll be venturing into the expansive African bush, where wild animals roam freely. Although, in reality, there is significantly less to be concerned about than you think – we’ll make sure of it!

A family safari in Africa offers a rich environment for you and your family to spend quality time together. It’s an equally fantastic opportunity for kids to learn about nature, experience new cultures and get up close with wild animals in their natural habitat, allowing them to develop a love for the environment and conservation.

Not only are our game reserves absolutely safe to visit, but going on safari with your children will undoubtedly be one of your favourite memories together as a family. While some lodges do not allow children on safari if they are under a certain age, we have plenty of amazing ones that do!

The little ones will have a great time discovering the wonders of Africa

The little ones will have a great time discovering the wonders of Africa

Activities for Children on Safari

Children are just small people with their own needs, likes and dislikes. Luckily, there are a wide variety of activities that will suit a variety of different developing personalities.


Singita has a host of spectacular lodges that offer many stimulating activities for your kids, as well as two exciting educational courses! The mini rangers and emerging rangers courses teach young adventurers how to track animals, catch and release butterflies and frogs, go on a cosmic safari to learn about the night sky, practice bush survival skills, and enjoy pressing flowers and discovering wildlife while exploring.

Each location has its own unique selection of children’s activities to complement Singita’s signature experience. The activities for children on safari include:

  • Family safari drives
  • Mini Rangers’ Course
  • Cooking interactions
  • Arts and crafts
  • Movies
  • Activity booklets
  • Board games
  • Swimming
  • Stargazing
  • Visits to the local community
  • And more!

Make beautiful memories with your children on safari in Africa

Make beautiful memories with your children on safari in Africa, Image Credit: Singita


The WILDChild Programme is & Beyond’s special offering, which has been designed especially for their young guests when visiting their lodges and camps. This programme is jam-packed with engaging, interactive activities that let children learn about new experiences and cultures. It not only offers wonderful experiences for the entire family, but it also forges deep relationships between our young visitors, our planet, and its people.

& Beyond’s luxury lodges and camps in Africa each offer different and exciting activities for children on safari. Some of these activities include:

  • Family safari drives
  • Playing San Bushman games
  • Learning how to find water in the desert
  • Stargazing
  • Fishing
  • Arts and crafts
  • Cooking interactions
  • Nature walks
  • Birding
  • Cultural interactions
  • Gardening
  • And more!

Baking is just one of the fun activities your children can participate in while on safari

Baking is just one of the fun activities your children can participate in while on safari, Image Credit: andBeyond


A safari at Londolozi Private Game Reserve in South Africa has something for everyone, with activities as diverse as your children’s personalities. Upon your arrival at Londolozi, your child will be assessed by a ranger and our Cubs Den facilitator so that a customised plan can be created to suit your child’s preferences. These plans are adaptable and dynamic so that a child is never forced to partake in a task that they do not enjoy.

Some of the many activities your child on safari can choose to participate in include:

  • Family safari drives
  • Tree climbing for the adventurous
  • Archery
  • Cooking interactions
  • Fishing
  • Soccer and rugby with the other children, rangers and trackers
  • Storytime
  • Movie nights
  • Arts and crafts
  • Pool activities
  • Cubs Den
  • Photographic walks through camp
  • Shangaan lessons
  • Gardening and permaculture for youngsters
  • And more!

Londolozi has the an amazing selection of activities to keep your children stimulated

Londolozi has the an amazing selection of activities to keep your children stimulated, Image Credit: Londolozi

This list is by no means exclusive, so if you would like to read more about the various family-friendly lodges, you must give our Our Top Child-Friendly Lodges in Africa blog article a read!

Thinking About Bringing your Children on Safari?

“Family” and “safari” go very well together. We know the best family-friendly safaris that offer enough activities for the kids. Our Travel Experts are well-equipped to help plan a trip that is accessible, safe and fun for the whole family! 

So, how about it? Are you ready for a luxury African safari your family will remember forever? Contact us today, and let’s start planning!