Ein Afrikanischer Wildhund ruht sich in einem Wald aus

Rhino Africa’s Impact in Numbers

Doing Good

Leaving an impact is part of our DNA; 2017 was a huge year for our CSR initiatives. Over the years, we have built long-standing friendships with true visionaries and pioneering proponents of Africa. Last year, we continued our support of these champions that provide world-class education to rural communities, safe havens for underprivileged children and protection of our endangered wildlife and landscapes.

Through our fundraising efforts, Rhino Africa has been able to make meaningful contributions to these centres of African excellence, who are, in turn, dedicated to protecting our continent’s wild spaces, wildlife, and people.

To learn more about our impact, dedicated partners, clients and various contributions, please download our comprehensive 2017 Impact Report.

Download our 2017 impact report here


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