My Trip | It’s My Party And I’ll Fly If I Want To


I don’t like grey hairs and ticking biological clocks as much as the next person, but all those things getting older brings aside, birthdays should never lose their delight. All that hullabaloo over one person, all that cake…

Birthdays should be wondrous events that brighten the world, if only for one dayLike our client, Alicja Suchorska from Poland’s big day last month. With the help of our tavel expert-ess, Samantha, Alicja’s husband, Pawel, whisked her away to the Victoria Falls to celebrate. She has yet to disclose just how many candles lit up her cake this year, but let’s throw specifics out the window and marvel at the birthday present of the year. 

When your wife, husband, consort of whichever sort, tells you they don’t want anything for their birthday, remember this story. Because they will.

Below, our birthday girl shares some photos from their adventure, just to let us know what we missed out on – from helicopter flips to zip-lining and micro-lighting over the Falls. It’s my party and I’ll fly if I want to.

Victoria Falls

“This was a birthday gift from my husband: a wonderful trip to Victoria Falls in February 2014. We stayed in both Zimbabwe at The Victoria Falls Hotel and Zambia at Royal Livingstone. It was a great time with many activities close to the falls or on the Zambezi River. 

Thank you Samantha from Rhino Africa for arranging everything so perfectly!”

– The Suchorskas

Victoria Falls Birthday Trip

And the Husband of the Year Award goes to…

Husband of the year...Vic FallsVictoria Falls

Birthday girl got swag…

Victoria Falls

Where They Stayed

The Victoria Falls Hotel – inside the Victoria Falls National Park with a private footpath leading to the entrance gate of the Vic Falls. From the front lawn of the hotel you can see along the second gorge to the bridge over the Zambezi River and the spray from the waterfalls wafts up behind.

The Royal Livingstone Hotel – a short drive from Livingstone and Victoria Falls Airport. On the edge of the Zambezi River, The Royal Livingstone Hotel is the closest accommodation to Vic Falls on the Zambian side.

Victoria FallsVictoria Falls Birthday TripVictoria FallsVictoria Falls

Birds flying high; you know how I feel...

Micro-lighting over the Victoria FallsBirds flying high; you know how I feel...The Zambezi River

For more information on the Victoria Falls, read our blog, Explore The Smoke That Thunders, and take a look at our video for what to expect.

Contact one of our travel consultants to start planning your own trip to this natural world wonder!

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