#loveafrica | And The Winner Is…

Photography & Videos

We are very excited to announce the winner of our #loveafrica competition! Because we know how much Africa means to her.

Born in South Africa, Chene now lives in Auckland, New Zealand, and her love for Africa is clear – not only in her brilliant 15 second creations (all three), but also in her posts on Instagram and her enthusiasm in sharing her #loveafrica entries in the Twittersphere and beyond.

Yep, Chene Wales-Baillie, we’ll be seeing you soon!


We will be flying Chene and a partner to Africa for three nights at MannaBay Boutique Hotel at the foot of Table Mountain in Cape Town, and on to the luxury Lion Sands Private Game Reserve, for three nights at Lion Sands River Lodge (including all meals, game drives and refreshments, and safari activities). The prize also includes all internal flights and international flights.

Take a look at www.whyweloveafrica.com for more info.

Check out Chene’s awesome entries below!

@chenewbaillie – 76 likes

@chenewbaillie – 44 likes

@chenewbaillie – 35 likes

We will be donating $1 for every entry we received to wildlife conservation through the Wildlife ACT Fund.

Congrats Chene! And thank you to all the other entrants. It is has been a truly inspiring journey!


6 thoughts on “#loveafrica | And The Winner Is…

  1. Ahhh!! Rhino africa! I have just woken up here in Auckland NZ! Can’t believe it!! Thank you so much! Jumping up and down!! I love africa so much and this means the world to me. I can’t thank you enough for this amazing opportunity. I LOVE YOU RHINO AFRICA!! ❤️

  2. Congratulations to Chene and thanks to Rhino Africa for giving us all an avenue to share our love for Africa broader than ever before, it definitely won’t stop for me now that the competition has closed. Well maybe my Steve Irwin impersonations will stop 😉

  3. Thanks Glenn! I loved your video! You really do a great Steve Irwin impersonation I love your love of Africa and it’s so awesome to see that even from our side of the world you have a heart for Africa! ❤️ love from NZ!

  4. NZ’s not far for me if you can’t find anyone for that second ticket hahaha just kidding, well deserved and have a great time Chene 🙂

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