#LOVEAFRICA | Meet the Top 12!

Photography & Videos,Top Lists

Africa excites us. It’s like watching Emile Hirsch chase furious white rapids in “Into the Wild”. We get giddy for it. Sitting still becomes impossible. Travel shakes you up, wakes you up, reminds you of words like purpose, meaning, life. Africa, even more so.

Whether galloping across the Serengeti plains on horseback, hiking up the snow-capped cliffs of Mount Kili with colobus monkeys or tracking leopards in an open Land Rover, Africa gives us that Bear Gryll’s feeling of invincibility and of utter awe. It is life-giving. It is life-changing, and it reminds us of the wildness within ourselves.

And that’s only one reason we #loveafrica.

In our #loveafrica Instagram competition, we wanted to know why YOU love Africa.

We loved your answers so much that we compiled them into a #loveafrica video.

You have chosen the Top 12 (through Instagram likes). Take a look at them below. We’ll announce the winner on 3 FEBRUARY 2014.


1. @linakottutz – 121 Likes

2. @chenewbaillie – 76 likes

3. @ockertkohne – 66 likes

4. @joepietersen – 61 likes

5. @jopietersen – 55 likes

6. @glenweston2000 – 54 likes

7. @kjartanlv  – 49 likes

8. @chenewbaillie – 44 likes

9. @chenewbaillie – 35 likes

10. @marckatzy  – 27 likes

11. @carolkohne – 21 likes

12. @laurasurrich – 20 likes

Thank you to everyone who entered our #loveafrica competition. Watch this space to find out who the winner of the safari holiday of a lifetime will be! Let’s keep the hashtag going and continue sharing our love for Africa!

For some more inspiration and information about booking your own safari holiday in Africa, chat to one of our travel experts

6 thoughts on “#LOVEAFRICA | Meet the Top 12!

  1. rhinoafrica Disappointing not making it in this incredible Top 12- Well Done All and All the Best -CalumC SpeaktoCalum

  2. Awesome to see so much love for Africa and its also been great getting to know some of the people who share the same passion through the #loveafrica competition. 🙂 Thanks Rhino Africa for this awesome opportunity! You guys rock!

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