Why do you love Africa? | #LOVEAFRICA @rhinoafrica

Doing Good
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Our @LOVEAFRICA Competition is underway! We’re thrilled with the entries so far. There’s so much love for Africa it makes us truly proud.

The other great part of the competition is that we get to interact with all of you. Even South African rugby champ, Joe Pietersen has joined in! And people from as far and wide as the lone star state of Texas. Yeehaa!

Love Africa

Take a look at the love for Africa at www.whyweloveafrica.com and get involved! Enter your own 15 second video to Instagram for a chance to win a luxury adventure in Africa, worth over $10,000!

Find out more in our blog, How To Enter #LOVEAFRICA.


We are donating $1 per entrant to the Wildlife ACT Fund to protect endangered species. So get entering!

Be passionate, original and creative. Like these guys below…

Texans Gone Wild…

@princehotbod89: “@rhinoafrica #loveafrica #win#southafrica #funny#rhino #rhino #travel #cool #wwf #natgeo #savetherhino #hilariousvideo #watch it#texas””

15 Seconds of Love From…

@joepietersen: “If you can visit any two continents, visit Africa twice! #loveafrica @rhinoafrica”

It’s raw and real!

@wildafrica1234: “@rhinoafrica just donated $1 to rhino conservation on my behalf because I made this video! Tell them why you love Africa and they will do the same for you! I am now in the running to win a $10,000 trip to #Africa! whyweloveafrica.com for details! #loveafrica”

Follow the journey:


Show your love, share the campaign and enter! #LOVEAFRICA @rhinoafrica

Watch the video!


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