It’s a Happy Mandela Day at Khumbulani


67 Minutes + 167 Kgs of Porridge

“Nelson Mandela’s achievements came at great personal cost to himself and his family. His sacrifice not only served the people of his own nation, South Africa, but made the world a better place for all people, everywhere… He showed the way. He changed the world.”

– Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon

To celebrate International Mandela Day today, we headed out to Khumbulani Day Care Centre in Khayelitsha to drop off boxes of over 167 kgs of special, fortified Nhlayisa Power Supply porridge for the HIV infected or affected children that the centre cares for (as we do on a regular basis).

Nelson Mandela has been in our thoughts a lot recently and even more so today, it being the Father of the Nation’s 95th Birthday!

International Mandela Day not only celebrates Madiba the man but also the 67 years he dedicated to making an imprint on the world – beginning in 1942 when he first started to campaign for the human rights of every South African. Today we devote just 67 minutes of our time to follow in Mandela’s footsteps.

Mandela Day at Khumbulani

“Take action, inspire change, make every day a Mandela Day”

Gloria Bebeza, the amazing lady managing Khumbulani, received us and our minions and helped us hand the packets over to – quite literally – the best behaved kids we’ve ever seen. Every visit they greet us with smiles and little-handed high fives… Just take a look below.

The Nhlayisa Power Supply porridge may sound like something from Eskom, our national electricity provider, and in a way it is – it’s packed with energy! The porridge is made from maize, soy and sorghum, with specially formulated vitamins and minerals added to ensure that the children stay healthy and strong.

With the help of RhinoTripping, we regularly take clients on trips to Khumbulani, to show them the great work Gloria and her ladies do for the kids in their community and to open their eyes to township life.

Gloria from Khumbulani

About Mandela Day

The idea of Mandela Day was inspired by Nelson Mandela at his 90th birthday celebrations in London’s Hyde Park in 2008 when he said: “It is time for new hands to lift the burdens. It is in your hands now.” The United Nations officially declared 18 July Nelson Mandela International Day in November 2009, recognising Mandela’s “values and dedication to the service of humanity” and acknowledging his contribution “to the struggle for democracy internationally and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world”.

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