Doing Good With The Good Work Foundation

Doing Good
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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret Mead

We’re happy to announce that we have just donated R180 000 to the Good Work Foundation from the funds raised in this year’s Challenge4ACause!

Thanks to all who made this contribution possible – to all our valued clients and partners. Your support makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside!

Good Work Foundation

What is the Good Work Foundation?

The GWF is a foundation committed to bringing positive educational interventions to rural South African communities. Through education they aim to assist and promote the transformation that so badly needs to occur in South Africa. By partnering with individuals willing to invest in themselves GWF hopes to do our part in instilling hope for the future.

Follow the GWF’s projects on their website, such as:

  • The Madlala Digital Learning Centre – a pilot learning centre in partnership with a local high school in Limpopo’s Justicia community, next to Kruger Park, that brings online, interactive digital learning to disadvantaged communities.
  • The new Hazyview Learning Centre – which both adults and children in the communities close to Hazyview can register at, and make use of the centre’s digital facilities to gain the skills necessary for employment.

Read more about GWF on their blog! Read more about our doing good efforts here and contact us to support.

GWF Donation

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