This Indian Ocean island is abuzz with fishermen going in and out to sea, day and night

Zanzibar: An Island In Pictures

Photography & Videos,Tanzania

Speaking of Zanzibar, explorer David Livingstone once said, “The finest place I have known in all of Africa…an illusive place where nothing is as it seems. I am mesmerised.” (1866)

I’ve ventured to this illusive place, also called Spice Island, a few times in my life and, I must say, Livingstone, I tend to agree with you… it never ceases to beguile. Every corner allures.

On this Indian Ocean destination, off the coast of Tanzania about 40 kilometres from Bagamoyoa, you can find yourself, one morning, ambling through potholed side streets past run-down, yet often palatial double/triple/quadruple-storey homes with intricate wooden doors, old forts and majestic photographically-enticing ruins. Various plants and trees tower over the roads, namely gigantic banana trees typical of tropical lands, with vervet monkeys hopping to and from each. Locals pass in traditional Arabic clothing, like hijabs and burquas – both men and women; men often hold hands.

The Palms

By afternoon find yourself in the deep warm blue diving with the ocean’s creatures or taking a boat out further to scattered islands. By night, you’ll be dining on the beach in the capital Stonetown, scoffing some the best seafood you’ll ever taste, and dancing freely to rhythmic African beats from the live beach-bar band, among other tourists and residents shaking their sarong-ed bodies as if no other time but the present existed.

Yip, Zanzibar is irresistible.

Trying to capture it all, how every one of your senses perceives and is stimulated by this island, ain’t easy. Maybe photos will help… Scroll down.

Dhows are common sightings on this Tanzanian coastline

Sunset in Stonetown

Sunset in Stonetown

Zanzibar is magical at night

Useful Phrases

Welcome to Tanzania! – Karibu Tanzania!
Do you speak English? – Unasema Kiingereza?
Hello – Jambo!
No problem – Hakuna matata!
Thank you very much – Asante Sana
Elephant – Tembo
Cheetah – Duma
Lion – Simba

Boats beached on the coast of Zanzibar

When the tide goes out, boats are left abandonned on shore, Zanzibar

Walking the streets of Zanzibar offers sights of some amazing architecture

Buildings are high and intricately designed in Zanzibar

Stonetown views

Dhows frequent this Indian Ocean island

If you’re thinking of travelling here, visit our Facts & Info section and contact us for more information on destinations, tours and accommodation. Our consultants have been to Zanzibar countless times so hit us with your enquiries!

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