The Royal Wedding!

Cape Town,Honeymoon

As with all things regal, us plebs can’t help but be captivated by the fairytale aspect of it all… Boy meets girl, boy is future king, they fall in love, he proposes to her in Africa and they marry in a wedding that the princess of myth and legend would be jealous of!

We know the couple love Africa… No one is one hundred percent sure at which Kenyan lodge Prince William popped the big question but we at Rhino Africa weren’t surprised… the romance of Africa is unparalleled!

This is set to be a global event, much like the FIFA World Cup or the opening of the Olympics… It really is a tough life when your nuptials are touted to be the most watched televised event ever, with an audience set to exceed 2.5 billion people!

But with great power comes great responsibility… Kate and Will have already shown that they are the modern version of the royal classic! From their portion of the 1,900 person guest list, including 50 members of the Royal Family and a further 40 guests from foreign Royal Families. The mode of transport used by the guests also has Kate and William written all over it, it is said that a red, London bus will shuttle the guests around.

The Queen will hold a Wedding Reception for the couple and their guests.  Followed by a private dinner dance, for close family and friends, hosted by the Prince of Wales. Kate will arrive at Westminster Abbey by car, a tradition for those of common station.  The service, which is to take place at 11am on Friday 29 April, will be conducted by Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. On their journey from Westminster Abbey to Buckingham Palace, the Royal Couple will pass Parliament Square, Whitehall, Horse Guards Parade and The Mall.

Perhaps the biggest question though, is who is designing the dress?! With no word on that little nugget, the next big question is whether our darling Kate will be wearing flowers in her hair or go with the more traditional tiara? Being of the more progressive camp in the royal stable, we think she might opt for the floral option… Might we suggest a Protea or two? Most likely however, Kate will don the “Girls of Great Britain and Ireland’ tiara and as is customary, this will be her wedding gift from the Queen.

It really is a wedding close to the hearts of South Africans. The Prince’s cousins call Cape Town home and the Royals have come to our beautiful country on many official and unofficial visits!

With all the fuss we are wondering where the couple are planning to go for their honeymoon… Could it be another African escape?

We have a suggestion or to in our Honeymoon section… Will it be romantic Banyan Tree in the Seychelles or perhaps MannaBay in Cape Town? If they are looking to build on their African safari engagement, we think Singita Lebombo would be perfect or perhaps even Londolozi Tree Camp.

But if they decide to be more traditional and do it in England then why not book one of those amazing destinations for yourself?! We’ll organise you a holiday fit for a King. So contact one of our expert travel consultants to book your romantic African holiday of a lifetime today.

And from all of us at Rhino Africa, we wish the Royal couple every happiness in their lives together.


About the author

Matthew Sterne

Matt discovered a passion for writing in the six years he spent travelling abroad. He worked for a turtle sanctuary in Nicaragua, in an ice cream factory in Norway and on a camel safari in India. He was a door-to-door lightbulb-exchanger in Australia, a pub crawl guide in Amsterdam and a journalist in Colombia. Now, he writes and travels with us.

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