Vote For Table Mountain

Vote For Table Mountain As One Of The New7Wonders of The World

Cape Town

Table Mountain, iconic, beautiful and rising majestically above Cape Town since… well for ages. It’s a natural wonder, a real gem in Cape Town’s crown. No one should visit Cape Town without stepping foot on its summit, so if you’re staying in any Cape Town accommodation ask the concierge how you can get to the top as quick as possible, go on do it! (Of course you could ask your Rhino Africa consultant for help, they would be happy to oblige.)

Table Mountain as seen from the V&A Waterfront

Recently Table Mountain has been shortlisted to become one of the New7Wonders of Nature. This being the modern age the list is no longer simply drawn up by Greek Philosophers; nowadays it takes a digital poll to see which natural wonders make the final seven.

Competing against the Great Barrier Reef and The Grand Canyon, Table Mountain certainly needs every vote it can get to claim its deserved place as one of the New seven wonders of nature.

So get your button finger moving and help Table Mountain along by voting until November 11, 2011. Simply SMS *Table” to 34874 at a cost of R2 per SMS. You can vote as often as you like, what are you waiting for?

You may also vote online, where can select not just one wonder to vote for but the full seven! So which would be your perfect seven?

You can also join the Vote For Table Mountain Facebook and Flickr groups.

Vote for Table Mountain in the New7Wonders of Nature Campaign


About the author

Craig Harding

Craig Harding is the general go-to guy at Rhino Africa. He's pretty chilled out so he's the right guy to have by your side on an intrepid adventure. He says 'the journey is the destination' so we just all nod and agree - it's better that way...

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