Ah… L’amour! Valentine’s Day Ideas.

Cape Town,Honeymoon

It is my experience that no matter what your persuasion, everyone sees red on Valentines Day… The health groups protest the chocolate, the cynical proclaim the whole day a farce and the lonely… well, let’s just say I have already bought myself roses.

Nevertheless, the eternal optimist in me is secretly very into this most controversial of ‘holidays’, against all odds I’m just a big pile of love today. And while my closest relationship is with my Blackberry, I actually do know a thing or two about the great V-Day woo. (I even rhyme… for you!)

If you are looking for inspiration, allow me to break down the options for you…

For the ‘Great Date’ you have three basic categories into which you can delve for some magic: ‘Broaden Your Horizons’, ‘The Adventure Date’ and ‘Fun and Fabulous’.  This enables you to pick the appropriate activity to suite your romantic needs as not everyone is into romantic dinners or roses.

‘Broaden Your Horizons’ is for the thinking couple, it is about trying something new that will stimulate you mentally. This is where you go to an art gallery or museum, visit historic places or botanical gardens. You discuss, you postulate, you share opinions while at the same time enjoying the cultural heritage of your city. Try the National Gallery at the Company Gardens or the Planetarium and if you are the outdoors type Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden is sure to impress.

The ‘Adventure Date’ is for the adrenaline hungry couple, get worked up together, sweat and exert yourself. This is all about putting your love to the test. For this you can mountain bike to the top of a hill at sunset, enjoy a sunset surf or even do karaoke together. Do something when where you get a chance to fluff your feathers and be there to support your partner, this is the stuff of lifetime bondage and love.

‘Fun and Fabulous’ is your standard dinner or drink together. But with a city as beautiful, and well fed, as Cape Town you have the chance to make it spectacular. Dress to the nines and step out for an evening of roof top cocktails at Sky Bar in the Cape Quarter or on a cruise around Clifton. The Grand Café and Beach is a wonderful setting where you can enjoy the best of the mountain and the sea with a sensual soundtrack to match. Be dashing, add some sparkle and make the evening cinematic so that for years to come the movie in your head of this day is a Romantic Classic!

And while the ‘ick’ factor can undoubtedly creep into even the most sincere of romantic moments, I advise that you soldier on dear Warrior of Love. My thinking has always been, if you love someone enough you will make the effort… no matter what!

And if tonight goes as planned and you are still together in the morning, May I recommend our Honeymoon section. We can help you to start planning the getaway of your dreams and whether you want to broaden your horizons or fill your life with adventure, romantic Africa is tailor-made with Rhino Africa.

*main image belongs to Nick Brandt

About the author

Matthew Sterne

Matt discovered a passion for writing in the six years he spent travelling abroad. He worked for a turtle sanctuary in Nicaragua, in an ice cream factory in Norway and on a camel safari in India. He was a door-to-door lightbulb-exchanger in Australia, a pub crawl guide in Amsterdam and a journalist in Colombia. Now, he writes and travels with us.

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