Summerwood Guesthouse in Stellenbosch

Congratulations to the winner of two nights at Summerwood Guesthouse!

Cape Winelands

Just to whet your appetites for our upcoming safari giveaway, we decided that an interim prize at the 6000 Facebook fan mark would be a great idea. So we decided to give away a two night stay at the luxurious Summerwood Guesthouse in Stellenbosch. To win all you had to do was become a fan of Rhino Africa on Facebook, which incidentally is the same thing you have to do to stand a chance of winning our grand safari prize! This morning we reached that elusive 6000 fans milestone and are now only 4000 away from giving away our safari.

This morning we randomly drew from our 6000 plus fans and the name that popped out of the hat was: Mimi Thurgood – Congratulations Mimi!

On your two day excursion to Stellenbosch you will get to enjoy Summerwood Guesthouse in all it’s relaxing and luxurious glory! From your individually decorated room look out onto tailored gardens and enjoy the peace and quiet. Head out into the Cape Winelands in search of Cabernet or Rose or whichever wine takes your fancy. And when the afternoon heat gets too much, enjoy a dip in the pool. Most of all relax, Summerwood is after all your home away from home.

If you haven’t already done so, don’t forget to like Summerwood Guesthouse on Facebook. Who knows.. maybe another giveaway is on the cards?

You can read more about Summerwood on the Rhino Africa website or visit their own website. You can also find Summerwood Guesthouse on Twitter!

And of course if you want to be in line to win a safari to Cape Town and the Kruger National Park, you should become a fan of Rhino Africa on Facebook!

You’ve got to be in it to win it!

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