Overachieving Africa

Cape Town,Namibia,Tanzania

You’d be forgiven for thinking that this morning’s mob of groggy, puffy eyed Capetonians were the product of a citywide spike in libido, but I assure you that our sleepless night was due to the 18°C night-time low (cue a collective gasp from the Northern Hemisphere). With the 2010/2011 summer touted by many to be a record breaker, I thought I’d continue the general overachiever theme and highlight some curious top ten record holders from across the continent. In no particular order:

1. For the hotheaded, a trip to Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano in northern Tanzania will reveal the world’s coldest erupting lava. The natrocarbonatite lava bubbles from the deepest earth at a nippy 500-600°C (a good 1000 degrees below the norm).

2. To escape the crowds, plan a visit to the country with the smallest population of any African state. With a population of some 84,000 the entire nation of the Seychelles could fit into Wembley Stadium with a seat or 6,000 to spare.

3. For those who enjoy a good paddle and a seaward challenge, follow in the footsteps of an intrepid South African who covered a distance of 6,152 km on a surf-ski between Hout Bay, South Africa, and Lamu, Kenya. With a strategic, luxury night or two on either end of the journey, I’m sure the 5 months at sea will fly by.

4. If you prefer to remain dry but still enjoy the thrill of surfing. The monstrous dunes outside Swakopmund, Namibia, have played host to the fastest recorded sand skiing run, clocking in at 92.12km/h.

5. While you have the momentum, try and match the fastest ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro, credited to a Frenchman who ran the 34 Km up to the summit in 5 hours and 26 minutes.

6. From the roof of Africa and her highest point, to well, the basement. The Maldives have the lowest general elevation of any African state at just 1.5 metres above sea level. If you fancy a hike, their highest peak is also the lowest highest point on the planet- a towering 2.3 metres above sea level.

7. For those who have a taste for all things sparkly, on a trip to Madagascar you will find yourself at the site where the world’s largest emerald in a matrix was discovered. Weighing in at 536 kg I think customs will be more than a little suspicious at the hefty hand luggage you are hauling around departures.

8. If you’re feeling a little homesick due to the lack of historic buildings, get your dose of yesteryear in Stone Town, Zanzibar, which is the world’s oldest, functioning Swahili village dating back to the early 1800’s. And you thought history was invented in Europe.

9. After your blast from the past, a leap over the Bloukrans River Bridge tethered to a bungee cord will leave you with only 18 more jumps to go to beat the record breaking 19 bungee jumps in one hour.

10. If, perhaps, Africa has grown on you more than you would like to admit and you can’t bear to go home, I would suggest you settle down on the island of Reunion. As the southernmost of the Outermost Regions of the European Union you’ll enjoy all the comforts of home; like driving on the right and being able to use the euro as legal tender. We must warn you though, they are… French.

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