Bye Bye Elephant

From the Rhino Africa Flickr Group – Bye Bye Elephant

General,Photography & Videos,Safari,South Africa,Traveller's tales


We recently started a Rhino Africa Flickr photo group, although thus far not many have shown interest! We are hoping there will be more like Shannon Cook aka Aloha Shan who submitted many amazing photographs to the group pool.

Shannon said: “This image was taken the day after Christmas 2009 with a Nikon D80 camera on our first trip to South Africa. We were in the Kruger Park in the Klaserie area on safari with Africa on Foot. We were on a morning game drive not too far from camp when we turned a corner and came upon a large mud puddle with a whole family of elephants from full size to babies enjoying a mud bath. We watched them play in the mud, then one by one they all left into the surrounding vegetation except this one that decided to head out solo along the long stretch of road.”

If you have images you would like to share with us, don’t be shy. Join the Rhino Africa Flickr photo group and submit your safari snaps.

Photograph ©Shannon Cook aka Aloha Shan

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