Happy Birthday Madiba

Happy Birthday Madiba!!!

Doing Good,South Africa


So what did you do for Madiba Day to commemorate Nelson’s birthday? On a gorgeous winter’s day, our fearless leader, a few Rhino Africans and of course the Gucci Brigade headed out to the Mdzananda Animal Clinic in the township of Khayalitsha, just outside Cape Town. Mdzananda is the only permanent animal welfare support in Khayalitsha.

Happy Birthday Madiba

Mdzananda means ‘distemper’ in the local isiXhosa dialect, and the clinic provides primary veterinary healthcare services for dogs and cats in this sprawling area that is home to more than a million people. Amazingly, Mdzananda runs from six recycled shipping containers and seven of the nine loyal staff are Khayalitsha residents.

There’s a crazy school of thought that poor people shouldn’t own pets. Those who think so should meet the clients of Mdzananda Animal Clinic, a partner organisation of the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). Mdzananda Animal Clinic was founded in 1996 in response to the need to provide primary veterinary healthcare services to a fast growing community that had no access to help for their animals.

Happy Birthday Madiba

Happy Birthday Madiba

David et al shed the Gucci gloves and got out their green fingers to build a wonderful new garden for the clinic, contributing plants, time and manpower to this worthwhile project. Happy Birthday Madiba! You continue to inspire a nation who now know what is possible when we work collectively and work for each other.

Happy Birthday Madiba

4 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Madiba!!!

  1. We all at Mdzananda will never forget this wonderful day! We are fortunate to have a beautiful garden to remind us of this day of love, kindness and generousity. Thank you!!!!!

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