Win With Rhino Africa

Win A Luxury Safari!!!

Accommodation,Cape Town,Garden Route,General,Kruger National Park,Safari,South Africa


How about three nights at Cape Town’s most exclusive boutique hotel, MannaBay, followed by two nights at the incredible Londolozi Private Game Reserve, including air transfers!

Win With Rhino Africa

What’s that I hear you say? There must be some catch. But there isn’t! All you have to do is become a fan of (like) Rhino Africa on our Facebook Page and help us achieve our goal of 10,000 Facebook Fans. When we reach 10,000, we’ll randomly select a winner of this once in a lifetime prize.

Find us on Facebook at:

Win With Rhino Africa

So help us spread the word – the sooner we reach our goal, the sooner you could be jetting off to the exclusive Sabi Sand private game reserve!


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