Lions Head Today….

Cape Town,Doing Good,General,South Africa,Traveller's tales


I don’t want to let the cat out of the bag, but things are astir, the air is humming, something is happening!

We Rhino Africans do things on a grand scale, always have always will. So if in the next seven months you see us traipsing up Lions head, lugging ourselves along the slopes of Devils Peak or strolling across the top of Table Mountain, know that we aren’t only doing it for the crisp mountain air, the spectacular views of Cape Town or for our health. We have something bigger in mind, higher mountains are our end goal, Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania to be precise.

If you take our big ideas, our massive drive and our determination and throw in a needy cause, you get our latest venture, Challenge 4 a Cause. The idea is that each year we will set ourselves a goal, a challenge and we will undertake that challenge for the good of charity. In future years we hope even to include our clients in our challenges. But our first adventure taking place sometime at the beginning of next year is still in the planning stages. Hence this isn’t a post about Challenge 4 a Cause, we will wait for the plans to be set in stone before we launch officially. For now it’s enough for you too know that we intend to raise in excess of R200 000 for charity by climbing Africa’s highest mountain.

Lions Head

This morning the first of many training climbs took place. A few brave souls met at the foot of Lions Head for a brisk morning hike to the top. David and co. made it to the top for sunrise and even managed a breakfast feast… of chocolate. As our fearless leader stated; “Lions Head Today, Kili Tommorow.” It has begun and like a snowball rolling down the slopes of Kilimanjaro it’s gaining momentum with every ardous step, with every lift of a boot-clad foot and with every strain of a tired muscle!

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