A True Safari Experience !

Doing Good,General,Honeymoon,South Africa,Traveller's tales

 This last weekend I visited the Sabi Sands Reserve along with some colleagues. Our first stop took us to Londolozi – my all-time favourite lodge.

Londolozi is more than a Private Reserve with beautiful lodgings, it’s a community of folk that are passionate about wildlife and conserving it for future generations.

From the moment you meet your ranger you’ll feel completely at home. Many of the rangers at Londolozi came to be there as a lifestyle decision, their passion and sincere interest in the bush diffuses virtually all facets of their life.

In the evening after our game drive we shared a Boma Dinner with some of the multi talented Rangers who proceeded to entertain us with a few skits from Shakespeare to Faulty Towers! So just when you thought all they can do is talk wildlife, you’ll be surprised to find they have travelled extensively and can hold their own on any topic.

Having been on a few Safari trips now I had a fair idea of what makes a great game drive – good game sightings accompanied by an informative ranger is the make or break of any Safari experience.

I can honestly say that after this visit to Londolozi I am convinced – it’s the people you meet that complete a true safari experience!

Londolozi wins hands down !

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