The Silver Haired Adventurers

Doing Good,General,South Africa,Traveller's tales

Photo : Mike and Jeanette Van Ginkel and the 1981 Rolls Royce

If you are debating whether you should be doing a self drive or not – may be this story with inspire you !

Meet Mike and Jeanette Van Ginkel, two colourful South African characters and adventurers who purchased a 1981 Rolls Royce Silver Spirit and are driving it from Cape Town to London ! Even more impressive when you discover that its not only the car that is a classic – Mike and Jeanette are both in their 70’s !

However before you ask your Rhino Africa Travel Consultant to book you a Hire Car from Cape Town to London,  please note they do have quite an extensive back up team, consisting of a medic and mechanic!

The Silver Spirit Adventure left South Africa on 3 April and will travel through Botswana, Zambia, Tanzania, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sudan and Egypt. The convoy will then take the ferry from Alexandria to Naples and the last leg will travel across Italy and France to London.

The trip will last some 52 days and will cover 15 020 kilometers.

The very best of  luck to them and if you happen to see a South African Registered Rolls Royce looking a little worse for wear driving around London, with two rather weathered 70 year olds, who look like they have sung one two many verses of  ‘ She will be coming around the Mountain when she comes ! ‘ – then you’ll know who they are !

You can read more about their adventure on

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