Rhino Afrika

Doing Good,General

Congratulations to our sister company Rhino Afrika who were last week presented with their TÜV Rheinland Award.

A TÜV Rheinland test marks show that Rhino Afrika have met stringent safety requirements and quality standards. A very valuable marketing tool that assures visitors to the Rhino Afrika website that when they see a TÜV Rheinland test mark, they can be assured that they are buying a safe product that has been investigated to particular safety requirements by an accredited third party and is supported by regular surveillance audits.

TÜV Rheinland Germany, has in the recent year focused on evaluating the hospitality, service and tourism industry within Germany and the providers that predominantly supply the German Holidaymaker when they go on Holiday. It therefore comes as no surprise that when TÜV Rheinland were looking for Operators to partner within South Africa that they approached Rhino Afrika.

For those of you who speak German you may want to read more about the certification process on the TUV Rheinland Website, for those of you who don’t speak German you might enjoy the sight of Ingo ,our Rhino Afrika Operations Manager, in a suit !!  Granted he had just flown to Berlin, Germany to join TÜV Rheinland at a press conference in front of 40 international travel journalist so he does have a reason for looking so smart !

Photo : Ingo Brüggemann receiving the TUV Rheinland Award on Behalf of Rhino Afrika

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