2007 Draws to a Close

Doing Good,General,Photography & Videos,South Africa,Traveller's tales


Photo: Auke and The Dutch Limo

Two weeks to Christmas – where has 2007 gone ?  November was an interesting month at Rhino Africa – as we continue to expand, we undertook some major office renovations, so I thought it the perfect excuse to escape the mayhem, combining the chaos of London and Amsterdam with the tranquility of the Botswana bush.

Granted I have a lot of trees to plant, to make up for my November carbon-footprint, which I promise to begin in earnest this weekend.

Starting at WTM (World Travel Market) in London in early November, I met our German manager Ingo, and we did our level best to combine adequate amounts of business with pleasure, after all it was Ingo’s first trip to London.  One forgets just how much people walk in Europe !

Having spent the weekend in my favourite European City, Amsterdam, I headed back to Heathrow for my Virgin flight home.  Amsterdam is an incredible city and my friend Auke rented us a Limo “Dutch style” which is without a doubt the best way to explore this incredible city.  As you can see by the picture, there was no possibility of us getting lost ! 

Over the past year, I have heard a lot of people complain about the security queue at Heathrow, I just didn’t realize how bad they were.  Arriving 1 hour 55 min before my departure, I missed my return flight home due partially to the incredibly rude Virgin staff, and partly due to the security delays, so note to all – get to the airport early – 3 to 4 hours minimum.  I know it sounds crazy, but with the holiday season upon us, the last thing one can afford is a missed flight.

Another tip – don’t carry anything in your hand luggage you don’t need, and only ONE piece of hand luggage is permitted.  My friend Jaco asked me to buy him the 2007 Harrods Xmas bear.  Naturally I couldn’t put Teddy in my luggage in the hold, so ended up strapping him to my camera case in order to get through security.  I think the picture gives you an idea of just how creative one needs to be.

Photo: Teddy gets a “piggy-Back” to avoid being left in London

Back home for 48 hours and enough time to give the Parrot and cats some attention, and four fellow Rhino Africans and I were off to the Okavango Delta, Savuti, Chobe and Vic Falls for an educational trip.  Educational it was, and besides the beautiful Desert and Delta lodges we visited, I even learnt how to play scrabble the Rhino way.

I have been privileged to travel extensively in Africa, and the Delta for me remains one of the most magical places on earth.  The Okavango should be on everyone’s Top 10 things to see before they die list, and judging by the scarcity of availability during high season, it certainly appears to be so.

Due to Botswana’s strict conservation policies, the number of beds in the Delta is severely limited, which in economic terms translates to demand exceeding supply, and when combined with the fact that most want to visit when the floods are in (May to Sep) it simply means you have to book early to avoid disappointment.

Photo: On Safari in Savuti

Unlike Kruger Park, Madikwe and the Garden Route, The Okavango, Chobe, Namibia and East Africa are such popular high season destinations that you would be well advised to start planning your travels 12 to 18 months prior to your departure.  Of course we can always find last minute availability, but a tailor-made trip around your exact requirements is far easier facilitated when planned in advance and we have the flexibility in availability to do exactly what you want.

We at Rhino Africa are fortunate to have several Botswana specialists, who would be more than happy planning at booking this outstanding destination on your behalf.  Be it Nicci, Billy, Gareth, Katherine, Leigh-Ann or Sian, you are in the hands of experts that have all the knowledge and local know how to ensure the holiday of a lifetime.

Photo: Breakfast Tongabezi Style

With 2008 on our doorstep, and another successful year under our belts, I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to family, friends, The Rhino Team, our fantastic suppliers, and last but not least our most valued clients.  Rhino Africa is the wonderful business it is today, through your support, commitment and dedication, and we are looking forward to another exceptional year in 2008.

May you all have a wonderful Xmas and New Year, and for those that are travelling, please do so safely.

All the best for 2008….

Photo: Meet Skollie – the adopted Tree Squirrel I wanted to Kidnap !

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