Singita – Game Experience

Doing Good,General,Kruger National Park,South Africa,Traveller's tales

Words cannot describe the feeling when you are out in the bush surrounded by the most incredible landscape, wild animals and inviting sounds. Over the weekend I was lucky enough to experience the best game drive of my life! After being very spoilt over the years I have been on many game drives and I was blown away by the sheer excitement of our Singita Lebombo game drive.

As we left the lodge we headed straight into herd of elephants…..then a pride of lions lazing under the trees…….then a troop of baboons who were attacked by a leopard………then more lions coming to see what all the commotion was about, all in the most beautiful setting with excellent bird sightings the entire time. It was just all too much to comprehend and we all sat with our mouths wide open in complete disbelief and amazement.

After a very exciting afternoon we were all in need of a stiff G&T or two ! While the sun set we all reminisced about the wonders of the day and were then treated to Stephan’s amazing knowledge of our stars and galaxies. A truly magical way to end the most incredible game experience!


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