Londolozi Delights….

Doing Good,General,Kruger National Park,South Africa

Upon arrival at Londolozi – very hot and all with a huge appetite to suppress, We were welcomed with the most scrumptious lunch anyone could have hoped for.
A mixture of amazing flavours too good to be true acompanied with great staff and surroundings some only dream of.

True to form, Londolozi delivered the most outstanding game drive and ended it all off with a very festive Shabeen Spaza surprise. It involved going back to basics and enjoying the traditional ways of eating.  Something everyone needs to do once in a while, and I could not think of a better place or better company….

The bush shabeen was something out of the ordinary and so refreshingly different. Plenty of refreshments welcomed us after a hard days work in the bush.   There is nothing like having a world class glass of red wine to begin the nights festivities. I was definitely in red wine heaven.!!!

We ended the evening off with a fantastic performance by the Londolozi Gum Boot dancers who put the cherry on top of a great evening.

Thanks again to everyone at Londolozi for your great organising!!! We all had a blast.

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