Photographic Safari Feedback

General,Honeymoon,Kruger National Park,Photography & Videos,South Africa

Picture : Londolozi Leopards by Randy Harris

Today I received some fantastic feedback from Gina and Randy Harris who traveled with Rhino Africa at the beginning of August.

Randy Harris is a Professional Photographer whose portfolio can be found and purchased at  . Randy’s brief was quite tough; he was looking for camps where he could reserve a private landrover and guide, to give him the opportunity to sit and wait for the perfect photographs.

To give them the widest possible variety of safari locations and the opportunity to photograph wildlife in different settings, I suggested that he stay at Camp Moremi in the Moremi Game Reserve in the Okavango, Savuti Safari Lodge in Savuti and Londolozi Varty Camp in the Sabi Sands.  Based on my personal experience of visiting all three camps, I instinctively knew that this would give Gina and Randy the widest possible variety including land and water safari experiences, plains game and the up close and personal wildlife viewing in the Sabi Sands.

Randy starts his feedback of his safari  by saying “ We’re back from our trip.  I have to tell you, you were right.  We had the trip of a life time.  It was perfect.  It was everything you said it would be.  All three camps were great, with each one being very different from one another.  The scenery was just as varied and the animals in each location were plentiful

He then goes on to say “ We could not have asked for a perfect script.  All the planes were on time, all the luggage arrived, we were over the 40 pounds per person weight limit which concerned me greatly before we left, but it was never a problem as none of our bags or luggage were weighed, the accommodations were first class, the people, the food, the game drives, our guides were all fantastic.  Thank you so much for putting our trip together 18 months ago. I highly recommend both Desert and Delta and Londolozi as companies who manage their properties with a lot of pride.  The General Managers in each location treated us like kings and our private guides were awesome.

Randy continues by saying “I’m still going through my photographs as we shot over 9000 images  during the trip. Thank you again for all the work you did in putting this trip together, answering all my emails and putting my concerns to rest.  I would highly recommend Rhino Africa to anyone interested in putting together a trip to Africa.”

It is always rewarding to receive such enthusiastic feedback from clients when they have traveled and I would like to personally thank Gina and Randy Harris for booking their trip with Rhino Africa. I look forward to planning their next trip!





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