Victoria Falls – Zimbabwe update


Supporting tourism and the people of Victoria Falls, by continuing to send both local and international guests to this incredibly destination, carries a huge amount of responsibility  for Tour Operator such as ourselves.  The world is well aware of the current deteriorating situation in Zimbabwe, and while not to make light of current events in Zimbabwe, I wish to give you our assurance that despite recent events, tourism in Victoria Falls has been largely unaffected, and hence is operating as normal.

July, Aug and September are all high season months for the region, and all the large hotels in Victoria Falls continue to run at high occupancy, as is testament to the shortage in seats to Victoria Falls over this period despite five scheduled flights to the region a day.

The primary reason that Victoria Falls from a Tourism perspective has not been affected by recent events is that visitors are not reliant on local shops for food or basic services.
Hotels, and activity based operations in Victoria Falls have always been permitted to use their foreign funds to import goods required to operate their businesses. For a number of years many businesses in Victoria Falls have been importing those items required to meet the expectations of International and Regional travellers.   As ever, the businesses that are well managed and professionally run be they Hotels, Lodges, Tour Operators, Ground Handlers, Activity Operators etc are thus all operating normally. The range, choice and quality of Food and Beverage supplies is thus still available in Vic Falls, as indeed is fuel to facilitate these operations.

Rhino Africa prides itself on honest and forthright communications with our valued customers, in respect of the scenario in Victoria Falls, and we will continue to do this. We continue to monitor the situation in Vic Falls, and are in contact with our partners and suppliers in Vic Falls daily.

Victoria Falls, particularly in July, August and September offers the most spectacular view of the falls.  The town is charming and full of atmosphere, and while a shadow of its former self, until such time as the safety, security or health of our guest is even potentially threatened, we will continue to promote this natural wonder of the world.

Despite events that are taking place down south in Harare and Bulawayo, there is no reason for clients to withdraw from travel to Victoria Falls, nor indeed is their reason for us to cease selling and promoting the destination, because as Victoria Falls Experts, we continue to believe that difference in experience between Zimbabwe and Zambia at this time of year is not out-weighed by the problems being experienced in Zimbabwe at this time, in that safety, security and service delivery is still assured.

All tourism related products and services in Victoria Falls are open and operating, including the Tourism Police system, to ensure the safety and security of visitors to Victoria Falls.  While there continues to be no risk to heath, safety and security of our guests visiting the area, we have a moral obligation to support the people of Victoria Falls and Zimbabwe during this very difficult time.

If you have any specific concerns or queries, please contact us on and we shall do our very best to assist promptly.

Thanks to all for your ongoing support.

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